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10 years.

It'd been 10 years since you had escaped the laboratory. You were twenty now, a young talented woman who knew her way around in a fight. You had travelled far and wide, passing through villages and never staying more than a few days. You protected them from raiders, reaped your benefits and would move on to the next. It was simple, repetitive and honestly boring. At first you loved it, growing up exploring the world, seeing oceans and forests of all kind, flower fields and huge mountains of all kinds though somehow you never managed to find a place where it would snow. You'd seen swamps and deserts of all kinds and they were all repetitive, each village was a different version of the same structures with different designs and the same kind villagers who would trade and give you places to stay until you would continue your never ending travels. 

You always ached for something more, you ached for company, someone to talk to, someone to have adventures with. You wished for a family. You always wondered if Techno had ever found a family, if he was even still alive. This earth was large, ever expanding ever changing. He was long gone, a ghost of a past life that you could never shake. His face had faded, his squeaky voice hard to remember. You remembered his crimson eyes and his long hair, it was pink, silky, he'd let you braid it once or twice, the braid had suited him. You hoped he was alive and well, you hoped he thought of you like you did of him.

You thought of him throughout every fight, every battle wondering what would've changed if you hadn't run away, if you'd stayed and tried to help. Maybe the two of you would still be together, travelling and seeing the beauty of the land, creating memories that all blurred into a single happy life instead of the miserable one you had now. The nether wasn't even an adventure any more, You'd only return to the wretched place to replenish blaze rods or ghast tears for potions you'd use protecting villages from raids. 

It was chilly as you walked through an unfamiliar forest, winter was nearing, the autumn air crips as the leaves changed to a lovely mixture of warm hues before they fell off the trees. The forest was a mixture of birch and oak, as you walked through the forest the smell of fresh bread and pies wafted through the air, different from the usual scent of farms villages held. As you got closer to the edge of the forest large black and and yellow walls came into view. You stood across a small river, watching quietly. You could hear voices, loud and joyous as they echoed in the air. Your curiosity peaked and you made your way across the river, your hooves and pants wet up to your knees. You had a large pack on your back, filled with your things, your axe and pick hooked onto it, your sword sheathed on your hip, you were covered in netherite, the armor glowing soft purples and blues with the enchantments you'd precariously acquired through your travels.

You took a shaky breath as you stepped inside the walls. There was a small caravan sat inside surrounded by a few trees. You walked completely through the walls and found buildings outside, large towers, houses, and businesses alike. There were people around, all smiling and laughing among one another. One turned, a young woman with blonde hair and a breathtaking smile caught sight of you. "Hello!" She exclaimed.  "Who are you?"

You flushed, glancing around nervously. You pointed at yourself, frantically searching for someone else that she could be talking to. You hated conversing with strangers, you were awkward, fumbling over your words and stammering in your sentences only serving to embarrass yourself before you even got someone's name.  

"Yes! You!" She giggled. "You're new here, aren't you?" Her voice was sweet, a gentle accent you weren't familiar with tinged her words, her timbre almost musical in the way she spoke. You could listen to her speak for hours.

"Oh- uhm... I... I just... stumbled across here?" You stammered. Your heart hammered hard in your chest, these people didn't wear armor, nor did they seem to do trades or anything you were familiar with. What kind of village was this? These villagers weren't anywhere near similar to what you were used to, they didn't seem phased by your... odd appearance, she hadn't even taken a second glance at the strange ears or the chunk missing out of your left ear where you'd once been tagged, nor the scars that marred your skin, it was odd really. 

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Technoblade x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now