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I was going to wait on publishing this chapter but I'm far too excited about it to wait so here it is! And it's gonna be angsty! >:D

"Start making potions." 

You nodded, your hands trembling as you gathered things for the potions you knew you would need. You pulled out the extra brewing stands you had tucked away and placed them haphazardly around the main room, quickly filling glass bottles and setting them on the stands, letting them brew into awkward potions while you set out everything else. 

Techno was downstairs rummaging through the chests, muttering quietly to himself as he searched for certain items. Since when was there wheat in his potions chest? Why was there blackstone in his other chest? When did he get blackstone? He shook it off, figuring it was either you or Phil and he pulled out everything he needed, dumping everything into a pile on the floor in the main room for the two of you to sort through once everything was in order. 

"I'll watch these, go put your armor on." Techno told you, his hand hovering over the small of your back as he hesitated to touch you. You backed away, bumping into him with a soft apology. He shook it off, ushering you upstairs while he crafted the potions into splash potions. You pulled on your armor and your weaponry, your mind spiraling far too much to even grasp the fact that Techno was now speaking to you. 

You couldn't believe that Fundy of all people had joined whatever gang this was that wanted to hunt the two of you down, after everything the two of you had been through. Though the more you thought about it the less surprising it was. He'd gone against his father in the election to try and get ahead and now he seemed to be following whatever the people in power wanted him to, but deep down it hurt. He used to be your best friend. You took a deep, painful breath and let it out, steadying yourself slightly as you pulled your now complete cloak over your shoulders. You had your crossbow and a quiverl of harming arrows, your axe, pickaxe, and your sword. That would be enough, right? You hoped so. 

You could hear Techno talking to himself, nearly frantic as he poured blaze powder into the brewing stand for the strength potions. You made your way downstairs, brushing past him but pausing as you caught sight of a familiar yellow jumper outside in the falling snow. 

"Who's outside?" Techno asked suddenly, looking over your head to see the figure standing in front of you. Ghosbur. You and Phil had both told him of the Ghost of Wilbur Soot while you were hunting for turtles and with all the strange things that happened here he believed it, that didn't mean seeing him wasn't mildly unnerving. He didn't have time to deal with this though, he needed to get his weapons. 

He brushed past you, sliding down the ladder to gather his weapons from the chest he kept them in when he didn't need them. You continued crafting the potions until a soft knock sounded at the door. You sighed, your hands clenched into fists. You rolled your shoulders, shaking off your onslaught of emotions and you turned to the door, swinging it open to be met by the slightly pained smile of Wilbur Soot's ghost as the snow landed on him, his skin smoking under each new flake.

"Hi Y/n! how's it going?" He asked, voice as upbeat as always. 

"Terrible at the moment, Wil, how did you even get here?" 

"I was coming through the area and I stumbled across this house!" 

"Wil I really do not have time for this, I have things to do." 

"Can I help?" He offered. The ladder creaked under Techno's weight as he climbed up it and you sighed quietly once again. "Sure, help me make potions." 

"Have some blue." He held out his hand with two of the small vials and he pushed them into your palm before you had the chance to refuse. They turned a deep, navy shade of blue in your hand and you stuffed them into your pocket with a short 'thanks'. 

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Technoblade x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now