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This is kind of a different chapter I guess you guys could say? It's very Techno centric and most of it will be from his perspective :D I really enjoyed writing from his perspective for a chapter and also happy 16th, hopefully none of us die from lore today (if lore happens, I've been seeing people say there will be lore but I'm unsure so we'll seeeee)

Phil made the trek home through the nether after dinner, thanking you for the meal and bidding the two of you a good night with the promise to see the two of you again soon. Now it was just the two of you, but Techno felt more uneasy around you now than he ever had before. The thought of his previous conversation with Dream weighed heavily on his chest and the guilt of keeping it from you only made it worse. 

He was washing up the dishes while you sorted out the items that hadn't been used for the farms. The silence felt off, tense instead of the comfortable silence you were used to and you had no clue why. Nothing about today had been off from what you experienced but Techno seemed tense and it only served to make you worry. 

The two of you skirted around the conversation, you had even went upstairs while Techno stayed on the main floor, just to give him space. He felt like shit for keeping you in the dark but this was something that he had to do alone. He didn't want to risk your life if this was a trap and the hunters would find him when he went to meet with Dream. He'd rather fight them off himself with the knowledge that you were safe at home, even though he knew you were more than capable to handle yourself. 

He readied materials for potions he planned to craft once you went to sleep. He would have to leave early if he wanted to get there by the time the sun rose, so he doubted he would be getting any sort of sleep with all the preparations he wanted to get done. 

It was late when Techno found the courage to go upstairs. You at least deserved to know that he would be going on a quest without you. You were settled in bed, sat up against the pillows with a book, flipping to the next page when you heard his steps. You placed your bookmark where you left off and closed the book, setting it in your lap. "Is everything alright?" You asked. You could feel the tension in the air as soon as he stepped into the room. 

"Yeah, everything's fine but, there's something you need to know." Techno answered, swallowing around the lump in his throat. He'd been dreading this moment and now he was neck deep with no turning back. 

"What is it?" 

"I'm going on a quest tomorrow, one I have to go on alone." 

Your brows furrowed, a look of disbelief in your eyes at his words. Alone? When was the last time he went on a quest alone? Not counting the one he went on to find the place you now resided. What warranted the sudden need to keep you here? "Why can't I go along?" 

"It's too dangerous for you." Was his blunt answer. You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. 

"Too dangerous? Technoblade I can handle myself on a silly little quest just fine." You retorted. You couldn't believe that after everything he deemed a simple little quest too dangerous for you, a woman who rivaled his skill in almost every aspect but whatever this was was too dangerous. 

"You're not going." His tone had a cold finality to it that made you feel like a child being scolded by their parent, one that stroked the flame of anger in your chest and turned it into a roaring fire. How dare he treat you like this? You were not just someone he could boss around. 

"You do not tell me what to do." You spat, pulling yourself out of bed to stand in front of him. He seemed so calm and it only served to agitate you more. Why was he acting so closed off from you all of a sudden? What had you done wrong? Underneath the anger in your chest there was the cold ache of hurt. You didn't understand where this came from, he seemed so thrilled when he'd went on quests with you before, why had that changed now?

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Technoblade x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now