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The next few weeks were spent organizing and unpacking what the two of you had brought from your old base. You had went to the village the day following your arrival as promised and you got to meet the villagers properly, learning their names and their occupations as they showed you around. Techno had reached out to Phil via his commlink, telling him that the two of you would be back soon to show him the way to your home so he could find out a way there. You had yet to establish a nether route though you desperately needed to, a twelve hour boat trip was grueling, and it would make things much faster. 

You'd slowly began to get accustomed to the cold, staying in your sheep form while you worked outside getting firewood or tending to the animals. You enjoyed the snow, You loved watching Bob run around in it when you let him and Carl roam around while you were outside. Techno had started wearing something other than his red cloak, it was a blue tunic that matched the color of your heavy coat, though his was more detailed with white, gold bordered squares up the middle, the collar was gold bordered as well and he kept the red sash around his waist. Instead of his blood red cloak he wore a heavy fur lined red capelet with gold accents around the edges.  You'd began embroidering your coat to match, slowly converting it into a cloak, though it was nowhere near done so you were stuck in your capelet until you finished it. 

It was about a week after you'd finally settled into the house when you and Techno had decided it was time to head back to L'manberg to get Phil and show him to your new home. He wasn't fond of L'manberg, though he owned a property there, the only reason he stayed there was for Ghostbur and even then it was hardly bearable. He loved his son more than anything but this ghost wasn't his son, it was an entire different entity who just happened to look and sound like his son but acted nothing like him. 

You left for L'manberg around mid morning, Techno had went out of his way early in the morning to set up a nether portal from a ruined portal less than a klick away from your home. The walk was short to get to the portal and the falling snow would cover your tracks by the time you returned home. Techno wanted to start a turtle farm as well as a bee farm, both of which Phil could help with. 

You stepped through the portal, glancing around to see that the two of you were on the edge of a large lava lake. 

"The nether hub is this way." Techno had pulled out a compass connected to the lodestone at the main hub and followed it closely with you trailing close behind. The piglins were kind to you this time around and you gave them warm smiles in return. Techno had been teaching you some simple phrases in Piglin speak so you could greet them and give them your name but other than that you'd get horribly lost trying to keep the conversation going any further. 

 You exited the nether at the portal by the community house in maybe an hours walk instead of the 12 hour boat ride and you took in the familiar sight of Dream's kingdom. Nothing had changed and it was fairly empty, though it was mid morning so most of the people who resided here had either went in search of supplies or old ruins to explore far out. When you got to L'manberg there was a large obsidian wall surrounding it, shielding it from view and you really didn't want to know what it was about though it definitely had Tommy written all over it. 

Techno stared at it, obviously unamused but he shook his head, he had things to do. He pulled out his com, pushing the button on the side. Static erupted from the small thing as Techno put it up to his mouth. "We're outside L'manberg, Phil." 

silence came from the com and Techno sighed, muttering a soft swear as he glanced around once again. He really didn't want to sit here waiting for Phil to get ready to leave. Almost five minutes passed when static erupted from the com once again. "I was at my other base, I'll be there soon." Phil's voice rang out, you could hear the shrill squeaks of dolphins and the telltale splash of water in the background. "My door is unlocked if you want to hide inside." Phil offered. 

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Technoblade x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now