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You were checking things over for a third time while Techno was making fireworks for the two of you to use during the battle. You didn't understand how Techno wasn't nearly as nervous as you were, you were on the edge of a nervous breakdown making sure everything was where it needed to by while he was quietly mumbling about fireworks and basic division. He'd even made the two of you tea before he had gotten started on the fireworks. There was still a traitor in your midst and you had no fucking clue who it was. 

You were going through your ender chest, making sure you had your potions, golden apples and extra arrows if you needed them. Your armor was repaired, your weapons were in top shape, everything was ready but you were still stressed. Dream was powerful. You'd never fought against these people before. You'd never even seen them fight  but you knew they were feared for their skills.

You let the chest snap shut and you sighed, scrubbing your hands down your face as you struggled to keep yourself in check. Techno paused what he was doing and he turned to you, his hand coming to rest between your shoulder blades as you pressed your palms against your eyes as you took a shuddering breath. 

"What's wrong?" Techno asked quietly. He pulled you into his chest and wrapped his arms around you, letting you bury yourself into his chest as your arms curled around his waist. 

"What if we aren't ready?" You murmur quietly. You're terrified. You've never fought in a war like this, You'd never had people to worry about like this before, especially not someone like Techno. "What if you get hurt, what if you-" 

"Hey, hey don't think like that." Techno murmured quietly, pressing his lips to the top of your head in a soft kiss. "We're well prepared for this battle. Do I look like a man who'll go down without a fight?" 

"No but.. but there's so many of them." You whisper, hands fisting the fabric of his shirt. The smell of gunpowder and green tea was comforting and you relished in the warmth of him around you. 

"I've fought more men with less than this, Darlin', I'll be okay." 

"Are you sure?" You look up at him, slowly syncing your breathing with his as you began to calm down with the soft sound of his voice.

"I am Hun, but you need to promise me that you'll be cautious. If worst comes to worst you need to get away safely, okay?" 

"What about you? I'm not going to leave you." You retort. Techno's hands cup your face. his thumbs brushing over your cheeks tenderly as his crimson eyes meet yours.  

"I can't lose you, Y/n, Please tell me you understand." His voice is soft, desperate and it makes your heart clench. You can see the fear in his eyes, even when he looks relaxed you could see the worry lines carved into his face. He's just as nervous as you but he was doing better at hiding it. 

"I understand." You assure, leaning into his touch, warmth curling in your stomach. "but I can't lose you either, Tech." 

"I can promise that you won't." 

Emotions swell in your chest, affection and another fuzzy feeling swirling with the anxiety and fear you'd been feeling since sunrise. It's overwhelming and you don't know how to put what your feeling into words so you do the next best thing. You surge forward and press a desperate kiss to his lips, your hands tangling in his hair as you convey the swirl of emotions that's been festering in your chest since your last night sat together above Pogtopia that were now tinged with fear and anxiety. Techno pulls you impossibly closer, pressing you into the chests behind you as he returns the kiss with fervor. You can taste the lingering green tea on his lips and feel his warm breath against your cheeks and all you can think about his how much you love him and how terrified you are at even the slightest possibility of losing him. You knew Fundy would speak of love, of the way his parents would look at one another like they were the only two on this entire world, the way his mother would speak so fondly of Wilbur, the smiles on their faces as they would waltz to the music he would play on the piano as a child. His mother would tell him that there was this... electricity between the two of them, one she'd never felt with anyone else and you understood what she meant in this moment, pressed close to Techno with your lips to his. This was love, the spark of electricity that thrummed in your veins with every touch and kiss the two of you shared. 

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Technoblade x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now