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The night before the festival was hectic for you. Everyone in Manberg was rushing to make sure everything was perfect, sounds of voices and preparing heard from outside your door the entire night and that paired with your stress made it so you didn't sleep. You tried reading to pass the time but your mind was far too discombobulated to get through more than one paragraph before you lost your place entirely and had to try and start over. After an hour of struggling to read you'd finally decided to put the book down and make yourself useful.

You were in your pajamas, a thin, baggy t-shirt and a simple pair of old grey pants that hung loosely on your waist and covered your hooves and quieted the click of them on your wooden floor. You lit the lanterns in your house and started the fire to chase away the chill that was in the air. You picked up the bucket of water that you'd sat next to your door and carried it over to your brewing stands and began filling glass bottles with water and setting them on the stands. Strength potions, Regeneration potions, Fire resistance, poison potions might be necessary. As you brewed potions you also brewed yourself some chamomile tea that you added some sugar and honey too so hopefully afterwards you could get some sort of sleep.

You hummed quietly as you carefully concocted your potions, setting them carefully in the empty chest next to your brewing corner. You made at least six of each potion and if they weren't used in this situation they'd definitely be used in the actual war. You sipped at your tea while the last of your potions brewed, relishing in the warmth that spread through your chest. The sun had began to rise in the window and you sighed quietly. The festival was at 1:00 and even though you didn't need sleep you would feel better if you'd actually had some sleep. You started thinking about Techno as you finished your tea and placed remaining potions in the chest.

You wondered if he was awake. You wouldn't be surprised if he was. You were sure he we was busy preparing for the festival but you at least hoped he'd gotten some sleep. You doubted it, especially since the afternoon he'd fallen asleep on you. He had been so stressed about this the last time you'd spoken. "Why'd Schlatt invite me?" he'd asked. You didn't have an answer, only the comfort that you would be there by his side no matter what and so would Tommy, Wilbur and whoever else they'd managed to gather on their side.

Over the two weeks of back and forth Techno had entrusted you with the location of his secret base, though it wasn't far from the carrot and wheat farms but, it was well hidden. He'd led you to two holes in the small pond where the river ended and led you atop one where the two of you were dragged under. You'd shrieked in fear, which only left Techno in tears as he laughed at you. It was a water elevator. You loved water elevators. They gave an easy way in and out of a base while keeping it secluded and they didn't leave you soaking wet. The base was nothing too fancy, a simple little cave like thing with chests, a bed and an enchantment table along with a few other necessities inside but, it was his home and being trusted with that was not something you'd taken lightly.

You could imagine him working away bettering his already overpowered armor and weapons all while he was brewing potions. You wished you didn't have to be trapped in Manberg, there was so much left to plan and you could be helping assist the three boys with their own preparations and such. You despised living here. Schlatt still taxed you to hell and back all while he would come chat with you, smiling and being friendly all while you knew he was plotting against everything you loved.

You ended up dozing off once you'd cleaned up your mess and had laid in your bed. The tea had helped surprisingly, that and busying yourself until your mind had finally quieted from the worries that kept you awake all evening.

You woke up around 10:30 that morning, the sun streaming through the windows and the sound of preparations stirred you from your fitful slumber. You sat up in bed and groaned as you stretched. You needed to get ready. You didn't let yourself relish in the warmth of your sheets and you forced yourself into the frigid air and you got dressed quickly, wanting the warmth of your thick clothing and the safety of your armor before you stepped foot outside.

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Technoblade x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now