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Ayo!! This is a little bit of a shorter chapter but the next one is gonna be one hell of a chapter and I am very excited so stay tuned! The next couple of chapters are also gonna be very very angsty and if you want an idea of how angsty it's gonna be, I Bet On Losing Dogs by Mitski has been in my head for the past few days soooooooooooooo :D

You and Techno returned to L'manberg the next afternoon. Tommy had decided to stay back with Phil, too shaken up from the previous day to go back so soon but you needed to feed the wolves, even if that was your only reason for going. It was an uneventful trip. The wolves were still hidden and they were happy to see you and Techno and to be fed. When you returned home Tommy was helping Phil with dinner and when he saw you he had a plea for help in his eyes. Apparently Phil took having to take care of Tommy as an invitation to make him  help cook, which definitely didn't turn out well for Tommy. It was funny listening to him complain because 'Phil I don't know how to cut an onion!' 'then you'll learn how.' 'But I don't want to!'

You left the two to their own devices and you tended to the other animals. You took Carl out of his stable and you smiled at the huff of content he gave you. Techno stepped outside a few moments later, shaking his head at the shout heard behind the door. Tommy was determined to weasel his way out of helping with dinner anymore but Phil wasn't letting it happen. 

"How are things out here?" Techno asked, still in his armor. You still had your sword and both of your pickaxes on you. You had missed your weapons, especially your sword. The pickaxe was fine, but it was made for someone who was used to a much heavier weapon. It was just a little too heavy and that made it difficult to use as a proper weapon. Your sword was simple, much less fancy than the one's Techno or Phil had. Your weapon was a shortsword, built to fit your smaller frame. It had no accents and the handle was nothing to gawk at. Phil used a longsword, his blade much longer and just a tad heavier than your own. It had small diamond accents and the name of the sword carved delicately into the blade. Techno's was a Claymore sword, large and heavy. His sword had gold accents on the blade, the pommel and rain guard were completely coated in a layer of gold, even if they were netherite underneath. His sword was almost the size of you and he wielded it with ease. He said it was on the shorter side of Claymore swords and that baffled you, how large could they be? 

"They're good." You replied, "Do you want to take Carl for a ride?" You asked. It had been so long since you found the time to take him for an actual ride, though Phil would always make sure  he was getting the exercise he needed while you were off in L'manberg. 

"I don't see why not." Techno shrugged. "Where do you want to go?" 

"Hmmm.... east?" 

With that the two of you mounted Carl, after you gave him his golden apple which he'd come to expect and you set off east. You both turned off your commlinks so Tommy wouldn't bother the two of you. It was nice feeling the wind in your hair and Techno seemed to enjoy it too. The two of you ended up by the ocean, staring off at the icy waves and the quickly setting sun. It was nice to sit and talk for awhile, your arms around Techno's waist and your head on his shoulder where he removed his pauldron so you wouldn't hurt yourself on the spikes. You both rambled off about different things and you rambled off about the Egyptian gods that you'd read about while Techno listened, seemingly content. 

He loved listening to you ramble, even if he had no clue what it was about. The voices in his head would quiet while he listened, letting him have some peace while you rambled on about the Egyptian god of the dead. He'd always been fascinated by mythology, especially when he'd first read one with Phil when he was still a young boy and now he was still reading books about other mythologies like Norse and now Egyptian. Eventually the two of you found your way to the topic of weaponry and Techno told you his plan for getting you the rest of your weapons. Was it dangerous? Yes. Would it work? You hoped so.  It was a crazy idea and you were worried it would backfire, but a little destruction never hurt a nation, did it?

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Technoblade x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now