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Hi, Hello Cyar'ika here, I just wanted to thank you guys for #1 on the Technobladexreader tag (and the L'manberg tag) and for all the love I've gotten on this story, you're all super sweet and I love all the feedback you give. You're all wonderful and I hope you continue to enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it. <3

There was a familiar mop of blonde hair that stepped outside, in armor that was definitely not his. He looked dirty, his clothes tattered under the armor, said armor and his rags barely hanging onto his thin frame. He held a half eaten golden apple and at the sight of the two of you he darted back behind the house, leaving the doors open. "You've got to be kidding me." Techno muttered. 

You leapt off Carl's back and looked up at Techno. "You put Carl away." You told him, Quickly chasing after Tommy. You weren't in the mood for this, especially not now. Your patience was already paper thin as it was and he'd better hope he didn't piss you off even more or Techno's pickaxe wouldn't be the only one removing teeth today. 

You caught him at the fence guarding the turtle farm and you grabbed him by his pauldrons, yanking him back over the fence before he had a chance to try and make his way into the farm.

"How do?" He asked nervously, giving you a shaky smile. Up close he looked pitiful, there were dark circles under his eyes and his hair was greasy, unkept. Despite the anger festering in your chest you felt.. bad for him. How had he found this place? Why had he come here to begin with? What pushed him run all the way here? 

"What are you doing in my house, Tommy?" You asked, refusing to let go of him so he couldn't try and run again. He took another bite from the golden apple in his hand that definitely one of yours and you rolled your eyes, slightly annoyed. You could hear Techno's quick steps in the snow until they stopped right behind you. 

"How are the two of you?" Tommy asked with a lopsided grin, avoiding the question. 

You repeated the question, more forcefully than before, shaking him slightly. 

He pulled out of your grip, brushing past the both of you and back towards the house. "You are bitches! That's the way to put it!" He exclaimed, tossing the core of the apple into the snow a few feet away. 

Techno stalked towards him, grabbing him by the back of his chestplate and yanking him back once again, sending him onto his ass in the snow with a grunt, his pickaxe held threateningly in his other hand. "Why are you here?" He questioned. 

"Stop it, stop it stop it!" Tommy exclaimed, holding his hands up in surrender. Techno let him go... just for him to scramble to his feet and dart up the steps and into the main area of the house like the little gremlin he was. 

"Get out of my house, Tommy!" Techno demanded, looming ominously in the doorway. Techno couldn't help but wonder what god he possibly wronged to get this fate, after everything he'd dealt with now he had to deal with Tommy Innit, who was quite possibly one of the last people he wanted to see at this very moment in time. 

"Let me explain!" Tommy stammered, watching as you ducked under Techno's arm and stepped inside, your own pickaxe held in your hand. "You can't kill me so stop trying to act all big and hard." He scoffed. Techno stepped further inside, closing the door at the sound of monsters looming outside. 

"I feel like I actually really could kill you without her help." Techno deadpanned, nodding his head towards you. "So start talking before I decide to try and kill you." 

"Look, I say we call this our house." Tommy offered. "And these guy's house." He ducked behind Techno and pushed open the doors, letting three zombies hobble inside from where they had been banging on the door. "Bye bye now!" 

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Technoblade x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now