Chapter 11: News From the Southern Water Tribe

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Several days had passed since the night Sokka had surprised Zuko with dinner on the balcony. The three friends had been able to spend some more time together, and Zuko started to find a semblance of balance between his role as fire lord and his own life.

Zuko walked into the throne room and was surprised and confused to see Katara and Sokka there with a representative from the southern water tribe. Upon hearing him enter they turned around. The representative left the room, leaving the three of them alone.

"Zuko," Katara said her eyes full of sorrow, "we received word from the southern water tribe. A group of the bandits Toph and Aang are chasing in the Earth Kingdom attacked the southern water tribe."

Zuko was speechless. How could a group of unorganized bandits from the Earth Kingdom make it all the way to south pole? Why would they bother attacking the tribe when they had done nothing against them?

"Did anyone get hurt?" was all Zuko could think to say. He could see the pain in Katara and Sokka's eyes. The southern tribe was like a family, and Zuko knew what it was like to see your family get hurt.

"They attacked during the night and the warriors were caught off guard. They ransacked a dozen homes and put up quite a fight before being detained." Katara said, her voice trembling slightly as she fought back tears. Zuko wished in that moment that was better at comforting people.

"My dad and a few dozen others were inured trying to defend their homes," she choked out as the tears began to fall.

"Katara, I'm so sorry," Zuko said and held out his arms to which she ran into, hugging him while crying into his chest.

Sokka looked away and towards the ground as the two hugged. He put his hand on Katara's back to try and provide some level of comfort, and he hoped he was doing the right thing.

She let go and wiped the tears from her eyes before walking back to the where her brother was standing. "The injured need me to help heal them and ease their pain, and my father needs help tracking down the bandits that got away."

Zuko nodded and said, "If there is anything I can do to help let me know. It was really nice having you both here, and I wish you didn't have to leave under such circumstances."

"Actually, I am the only one who will be going back home," Katara said uneasily. She glanced over at Sokka who looked even more defeated, but something made Zuko think there was more to it than him not going back home to his people.

"Why is that?" Zuko asked and immediately wanted to kick himself for making it seem like he was upset Sokka would be staying in the Fire Nation.

"My father believes the bandits are more organized than we had previously thought," Sokka finally spoke up while avoiding eye contact. "He thinks there are likely Earth Kingdom bandits already in the Fire Nation, and he wants me to try and track them down before they have the chance to strike."

"Why would they have any interest in the Fire Nation," Zuko asked skeptically.

Sokka took a moment before he said, "Zuko, one of the attackers was a fire bender, and not just any fire bender, he was a Fire Nation soldier."

"Why would a Fire Nation soldier be part of a group of Earth kingdom bandits attacking the southern water tribe?" Zuko asked. His heart rate was rising, and his breath became hot.

"We don't know," he replied, "but my dad is afraid the bandits may be part of a bigger plot than just trying to take control of the Earth Kingdom. He's afraid they are trying to destroy the other nations from the inside out, and he thinks they may be finding sympathy within the Fire Nation army."

"That's impossible!" Zuko shouted which caused his friends to flinch.

"A lot of soldiers were not happy the war ended in what they saw as a Fire Nation defeat. You know that as well as I do," Katara said in a serious voice. "If my dad is right, you'll need someone with an outside perspective to help you uncover the truth."

"My soldiers are among the most loyal in the world, they would never betray their country," Zuko's voice took on a bitter tone and he was scared by it. The anger was flowing once more through his veins. He didn't want to believe his own soldiers could be trying to start another war or destroy their nation, but doubt was creeping in on his thoughts.

"Maybe so," Sokka started to say, "but it wouldn't hurt to look into it and see if there is anything going on you don't know about."

"I can look into it myself," Zuko spat out feeling angry and afraid. Sokka's concerned look morphed into a frustrated and upset one.

"Look I can tell when I'm not wanted somewhere and if you're so upset about me staying then I'll go back home with Katara!" Sokka shouted and stormed out of the throne room.

"Sokka wait," Zuko tried to call after him but he was out the door before he could get the words out.

He turned to Katara and saw her face filled with the same anger her brother had.

"What's wrong with you!" she shouted, "first you invite us here saying how much you missed us, and now you try and get rid of my brother when he's doing this to help protect your country!"

"Katara I didn't mean it in that way," Zuko said his voice now small and tinged with regret.

"Tell that to Sokka," she said and stormed out of the room after her brother, leaving Zuko all alone and feeling terrible. He had ruined everything. Now two of his best friends hated him and his nation was in danger, and it was all his fault.

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