Chapter 27: The New Earth King

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Sokka's eyes drifted open slowly to meet the morning sun coming through the windows. His head rose and fell with the breathing of the most beautiful firebender he had ever known, reminding him how lucky he was Zuko felt the same way about him.

"Good morning sleepyhead," Zuko said and ran his hands through Sokka's hair. It felt so surreal to him that he almost thought he was dreaming, but if it was a dream, he didn't want it to end.

"How are you feeling?" Zuko asked. Sokka snuggled closer to him and pressed his face into the Fire Lord's chest not wanting to leave.

"I'll take that as a lot better," Zuko laughed and kept running his hands through the water tribe boy's hair. He wasn't wrong, but Sokka was worried if he admitted it the firebender would leave.

"As much as I'd like to stay here all day, we do have to report what happened to the new Earth King," Zuko said in a gentle way. Sokka sat up and looked at Zuko confused. "How long was I asleep?"

"Only thirteen hours, but enough time for the Earth Kingdom provinces to decide on a new king," Zuko said with a hint of sarcasm that Sokka was not used to.

"I guess it is important," Sokka sighed. The Dai Li were brutal, they had roughed him up some to ensure he wouldn't try and escape. He didn't want to relive that experience in front of a king he didn't even know.

"No one is forcing you to do this if you're not comfortable with it," Zuko said and Sokka could tell he had made him worried.

"I'll be fine," Sokka reassured him and placed his hand on Zuko's. Zuko looked down at their hands and it was obvious something was on his mind.

"Sokka?" the firebender asked without looking up, "what are we?"

Sokka paused for a moment, repeating the question in his head as he asked himself the same thing.

"Well, I'd like to be your boyfriend," Sokka said as his heart started to beat faster. Zuko was silent and Sokka felt a lump forming in his throat.

"I'd like to be your boyfriend too," Zuko looked down at him and smiled. Sokka felt like he could run a marathon after hearing what his now boyfriend said.

He leaned over and planted a kiss on Zuko's mouth. He had wanted to kiss Zuko ever since they had nearly died on Ember Island, but he was too scared Zuko wouldn't feel the same way about him.

"What do you say we go give the new Earth king a piece of our minds about the Dai Li," Zuko grinned and Sokka nodded. He got out of bed and pulled the firebender with him.

He thought about what Zuko had said for a second and asked, "Wait, you don't know who the new king is?"

"I've been laying in bed with you all morning," Zuko said and donned his signature smirk, "I only know there's a new king because I overheard a messenger tell Aang about it before you woke up."

"Well then I'd better dress to impress," Sokka grinned and made his way to the door.

"Do I have competition?" Zuko asked and Sokka opened the door, turned around and said with a grin, "Maybe."


The throne room doors opened slowly. To Sokka's surprise the throne was empty as was the rest of the room. The four friends walked in cautiously.

"Could this be a trap set up by the Dai Li?" Sokka asked afraid they were walking right into a trap.

"I don't feel anyone else nearby," Toph said as she used her seismic sense to see the room with her feet.

Sokka felt something hit his foot. A small blue crystal rested at the base of his left foot, and it looked oddly familiar to him. Before he could pick it up the crystal expanded, rapidly encasing him in a giant blue crystal formation. From the sounds of it his friends had met the same fate.

Chaotic laughter interrupted by snorts filled the room as a figure approached the throne. Sokka knew that laugh and he was not impressed.

"Bumi!" Aang cried in joy. The genemite encasing them shattered and fell to the ground as the king of Omashu approached them.

"Good to see you all again," the old king said with a snort, "I've missed pulling my tricks on visitors!"

"Where is the new Earth king?" Aang asked his old childhood friend and looked around.

"You're looking at him!" Bumi cackled like he had cracked the best joke of his life.

"You're kidding me," Sokka mumbled under his breath. Although he supposed it was better than the last Earth king who didn't even know there had been a war going on.

"The rulers of the different provinces decided on me because I helped liberate Ba Sing Se and free the Earth Kingdom from the Fire Nation," Bumi explained and quelled his laughter.

"What about the Dai Li?" Zuko asked suspiciously. The old king's smile disappeared, and he looked quite serious now. "They are being forced to undergo training to change them from a seditious fighting force to one that serves as a special unit to quickly respond to attacks across the kingdom."

"I'll believe it when I see it," Sokka mumbled again this time getting a slight elbow in the stomach from Aang.

"That sounds like a great idea Bumi!" Aang said enthusiastically, "using them as a force for good rather than evil."

"I have also imprisoned the agents responsible for your friends kidnapping," Bumi explained and looked into Sokka's eyes, "I am deeply sorry for what my Kingdom has done to you my boy."

"Thank you, your majesty," Sokka said and bowed. He knew Bumi could be eccentric, but he also knew he was a wise leader and would make the Earth Kingdom a better place; One where secret agents don't kidnap people like him.

"Now how about we celebrate the day with a traditional Earth Kingdom feast?" Bumi said with his mischievous smile, "last one there has to do the dishes!"

The four friends looked at each other before taking off down the hall, shouting and laughing the whole way.

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