Chapter 50: An Uncomfortable Return Home

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            Getting off the small boat and meeting the chilled breeze again of summer in the south was refreshing. It had only been a few days since he had taken the first ferry off of Ember Island and headed south, but Sokka thought the heavy weight he had been carrying on his shoulders might be getting lighter already.

No one knew he was coming back, so there was not anyone there waiting for him at the dock. He was the only passenger, and the captain tipped his hat to him as he got off.

He had no idea where to go. During his two-day voyage he had all the time in the world to think about what he would do once he got back. Instead, he had spent the time lying on the small, lumpy cot in his cramped room onboard the ship regretting his decision to run away.

It was the right thing to do. He couldn't deny seeing Suki again stirred up something in him, he just was not sure what that something was. He also couldn't deny Zuko would be happier in the future married to a beautiful woman and having a family of his own.

As much as it pained him to hurt Zuko like he had, he knew from experience the pain of losing someone you loved healed over time. Although the pain of losing Yue was still with him, he was able to accept her choice to sacrifice herself and move on. If he could move on from losing the first love of his life, he hoped Zuko could do the same.

His feet carried him from the port and down the familiar snowy paths to his and Katara's house. Its dark and empty appearance contrasted with the feeling Sokka expected to have upon seeing his home again. Rather than feel relieved and at home he felt very alone.

From under the fake potted plant next to the front door he pulled out their spare key. With a familiar click the lock gave way, letting him open the door. It was just as cold inside as it was outside, and as soon as he set his bags down he went and put several large logs of wood in the fireplace and started the fire.

He sat in front of the fire, relishing in its warmth as he started to realize how much he already missed the warm weather in the Fire Nation. Even during summer, it was still quite cold in the southern water tribe village.

He knew he would eventually have to tell his family he was here, and Katara was bound to come back soon, but for the time being he needed time to himself to sort out all of his emotions on his own.

An Innocent Spark [Zukka]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα