Chapter 41: Strength in Vulnerability

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Sokka was woken up by Zuko rolling over to get out of bed. He groggily put his arm around the firebender and gently rolled him back over so their faces were only inches apart.

"I tried not to wake you," Zuko said and brushed the hair out of Sokka's eyes.

"Don't go yet," Sokka mumbled and pressed his forehead against Zuko's.

"Look who's the one not wanting to get out of bed now," Zuko said and smiled. "I wish I could stay but I have some important meetings today."

"You always have important meetings," Sokka said and closed his eyes, not wanting the day to start yet.

"Yeah, but these ones involve my sister," Zuko said and the playfulness of his voice reverted to his more serious tone. Sokka opened his eyes and gave his boyfriend a confused look. Why would he be having meetings about Azula?

"She's supposed to start therapy today. I'm hoping to find a good doctor that will get her on the road to recovery," Zuko explained and got out of bed, taking all his natural body warmth with him. Sokka pulled the covers over his shoulders, not wanting anymore of the heat to escape.

"You really think it will help her?" Sokka asked. Zuko frowned and dug out some clothes from his closet. "She's not a bad person you know, she just had a bad upbringing. She didn't have someone like my uncle to protect her and teach her right from wrong."

Sokka thought back to what she had said to him when he had visited her in the past. She was wrong, her brother did care about her, and deep down she cared about him too.

"If you believe your sister can be redeemed, I support whatever decision you make," Sokka said, finally sitting up in bed.

"Thank you," Zuko said quietly and took his clothes with him to the master bathroom, closing the door quietly behind him.

Sokka climbed out of bed and started unpacking his bags. He laid out his clothes on the bed, organizing them by type and color. He looked around the room, not sure what to do with his clothes now that he had unpacked them all.

"Hey Zuko?" Sokka shouted over the running water of the shower.

"Yeah?" Zuko shouted back.

"Where should I put my clothes?" Sokka asked and walked closer to the door so he wouldn't have to yell as loudly.

"On your body," Zuko shouted over the running water. Sokka's face adopted a disappointed look. Zuko was spending too much time around him. He was the guy who made the sarcastic jokes.

"Very funny," Sokka said flatly and he could hear what sounded like a laugh from the bathroom.

"You can put them in the closet," Zuko said and the water turned off. "my clothes are on the right, but yours can go on the left side."

The closet was a decently large walk-in closet, and like Zuko had said, all of the Fire Lord's clothes were tidily kept on the right side. Sokka grabbed his piles of clothes and began to hang them up. It felt weird sharing a closet with someone else, but at the same time it felt right.

Sokka finished hanging up his clothes and walked back into the bedroom. His face went red and he blushed harder than he ever had before. Zuko was standing by the bed shirtless with his back to him. He was wearing black pants with red stitching, and Sokka couldn't take his eyes off his toned back.

Zuko turned around and Sokka blushed ever harder and looked away. Zuko blushed too, not having realized Sokka had entered the room. Sokka had seen Zuko shirtless before, but it was different this time. Now he realized how hot the firebender was, and how gorgeous his muscles were.

Zuko threw on a shirt and buttoned it up before awkwardly saying, "Sorry, I thought you were still putting your clothes away."

Sokka looked back up at him and saw Zuko was still blushing slightly too and said, "It's fine, I just wasn't expecting that."

Zuko blushed even more. Sokka loved making him blush, but he was less used to blushing himself. He walked over to Zuko and kissed him lightly on the lips, Zuko's golden eyes darted away as a smile appeared on his face.

Sokka brushed his hand over Zuko's scar, but he quickly turned away and Sokka's heart sank.

"I'm sorry," Sokka said, feeling bad for not having asked if it was alright with him first, especially after what happened last time he touched his scar.

"I hate this stupid scar," Zuko said with an edge to his voice, "I'm so ugly because of it. I should've let Katara heal it when she offered to."

"Zuko," Sokka said gently and walked around so they were face to face, "I love every part of you. Scar or no scar I think you're the most beautiful man in the world."

Zuko's eyes lost some of the brightness that Sokka loved so much. Rather than try and say the right thing, Sokka took Zuko in his arms and held him as he cried softly on his shoulder.

"Why am I so weak?" Zuko whispered through the silent tears.

"You're not weak," Sokka said warmly, running his fingers through Zuko's damp hair.

"Then why do things like this make me cry?" Zuko asked.

"I think crying is a show of strength. It takes a lot of strength to be honest and not bottle your feelings up," Sokka said, rubbing Zuko's back in gentle circles.

"You mean the world to me Sokka," Zuko said. He sniffled a few times and wiped the tears away before returning his hands to Sokka's back. The two began to sway slowly from side to side. He wanted Zuko to know how much he cared about him, and that he would always be there for him.

"I will always love you," Sokka said. He placed his hand on the back of Zuko's head and held it against his. He had never felt so connected to someone else as he did with Zuko. He had thought his love for Yue and Suki was real, but it took falling in love with the Fire Lord to know what true love felt like.

Zuko gently let go of Sokka, and the water tribe boy let go too. Zuko's eyes were a little red and puffy, but he looked happy again. The pain was gone, and the caring young man Sokka had grown to love was back.

"I had better get going," Zuko said and scratched the back of his neck.

"Do you want some company?" Sokka asked.

"I'd love some," Zuko said, a small smile returning where there had once been a frown.

Author's Note: I hope you all are still enjoying their story! It means the world to me that so many of you have read this far and actually like the story I started writing randomly at 2AM one night. I'm excited to see your reactions to the next chapter, as it was one of my favorites to write. As always if you have feedback or thoughts feel free to leave a comment!

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