Chapter 59: Whole Again

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"There you guys are! We've been looking for you for hours," Aang shouted from the top of the stairs leading to the palace's front door. He grabbed his glider and flew down to them.

"Where were you? We kept the representatives distracted for an hour but then they got mad and went looking for Zuko," Aang said without thinking.

"What do you mean you distracted them?" Zuko asked and gave Sokka a questioning look.

"Is it dinner time yet because I'm starving?" Sokka asked Aang enthusiastically, avoiding Zuko's question and dragging them both up the stairs with him.

They ran into Katara at the door who looked relieved and said, "Good I was starting to wonder if you two had died."

"Nope! But I am dying of hunger," Sokka reiterated, and he heard Zuko try and hide a laugh.

After they had eaten dinner and spent a few hours playing pai sho, the group parted ways to get ready for bed. It was on then that Sokka noticed the golden necklace hanging from Zuko's neck. It was the other half of the necklace Iroh had given them to serve as a reminder of their love for one another.

Sokka's fingers instinctively felt his chest, but he knew his half of the necklace wasn't there. He had given it back to Zuko when he broke up with him on Ember Island.

Zuko seemed to notice because he stopped in front of Sokka and said," close your eyes and hold out your hand."

Sokka did as he was told, and the cool touch of a small metallic object added a small amount of weight to his hand. He opened his eyes to see the necklace with his half of the dragon laying in his palm.

A small smile on Zuko's face was enough to warm Sokka's heart and wake up the butterflies in his stomach.

"May I?" Zuko asked and nodded towards the necklace still resting in Sokka's hand. The water tribe boy nodded, and Zuko took back the necklace and walked around Sokka. He placed the necklace over Sokka's chest and attached the two ends of the chain together before letting it fall gently into place.

Sokka turned around and grabbed his half of the dragon and held it up in front of him. Zuko did the same and they connected the two pieces to form one, beautiful and strong dragon.

Sokka rested his forehead against Zuko's, still holding their dragons together as they let time slow down.

"It's only right for a dragon to be whole," Zuko whispered before planting a kiss on Sokka's forehead.

They let go of their necklaces and Sokka held Zuko's hand as they walked back to the room they once shared, and the one they would share once again.

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