Chapter 40: A Special Welcome Back

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Aang dropped off Sokka at the entrance to the Fire Nation palace. Unfortunately, he couldn't stay because King Bumi was visiting the southern water tribe as a gesture of peace. It was his responsibility to be there for the meeting, even if it was only a formality to reaffirm peaceful relations.

The grand entry hall of the palace was void of any life. None of the usual staff were there cleaning or redecorating. He thought it was odd but shrugged it off and went to his old room.

The special water tribe decorations Zuko had requested by added were finally in the room, months after the Fire Lord had sent his staff into a frenzied panic to find the correct materials and patterns. Sokka still needed to apologize to them for that.

He set down his bags and set off to find the hot head he called his boyfriend. First, he knocked on his bedroom door, then he checked his private study, then he peaked carefully into the throne room, after he went out to the turtleduck pond. When he wasn't in any of those places, he went to the last place he could think Zuko might be.

The doors to the dining hall opened silently. There was no sign of Zuko, but there was something that caught his eye. A letter rested against a beautiful vase full of flowers. Upon closer examination he saw the letter had his name on it. He tore it open and read it.

The very first line made him smile and feel warm inside. Zuko wrote him a welcome home letter explaining how happy he was to have him back at the palace with him.

He finished the letter and set it down on the table. There was another small note attached to the vase that he gently untied and opened. The note read "I know you hate surprises, but..."

"Surprise!" shouted people from all around the room. Sokka jumped like a cat that had been snuck up on. All the palace staff came pouring into the room, from the maids to the cooks, from the palace guards to the gardeners.

The chefs wheeled out a cart with a cake on it and set it down in front of him on the table. The cake had "welcome back!" written on it in blue icing, and it was decorated with small boomerangs and the water tribe insignia in matching icing.

Sokka was at a loss for words, everyone was coming up to him to welcome him back to the palace, saying how much they missed his jokes and company. He had never had so many people care about him, and it was almost enough to bring a few tears to his eyes.

He looked around the room and one important face was missing from the crowd. He felt someone's arms wrap around him from behind and felt the warm body of his boyfriend hug him from behind.

"I missed you," Zuko whispered warmly into his ear. He planted a kiss on Sokka's cheek, making him blush in front of the entire palace staff. He looked around to everyone to see their reactions, but to his surprise, none of them acted like anything had happened.

Zuko let go and Sokka turned around and gave him a proper hug. Whereas in the past he would have held on tightly, he knew Zuko wasn't going anywhere this time.

It felt so right to hold Zuko in his arms. All the fears he had, all the worrying he had done seemed to disappear as they held each other close. If the love he felt from the palace staff wasn't enough, their hug was what sent him over the edge. Tears of joy fell slowly down his cheeks.

He let go of his beautiful firebender so he could look into his golden eyes with his own watery ones. The look of pure love in his eyes melted Sokka's tough exterior away like butter.

Zuko gently wiped away a tear from his cheek, and Sokka stopped him from pulling his hand away. He held it against his cheek and cherished his touch for a few moments longer.

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