Chapter 28: Sokka's Decision

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Their time in Ba Sing Se was coming to an end. Zuko needed to resume his role as Fire Lord, Aang wanted to stay with Katara in the south pole for a while, and Toph planned on spending a few weeks bathing in mud in the swamp before finally trying to reunite with her parents.

Sokka on the other hand knew what he had to do, but he was afraid of how Zuko would react to it. He waited until Aang and Toph were out of the house before heading to Zuko's room. Their friends still didn't know about their relationship, and the two of them wanted to keep it like that for a while.

"Hey," Zuko said as the water tribe boy walked into his room. The firebender was folding his clothes and he placed the crown back on.

"Zuko," Sokka said feeling the nerves building in his stomach, "I have to tell you something."

"What's wrong?" Zuko looked concerned and stopped what he was doing to come sit next to Sokka on the bed.

"I... I can't go back with you to the Fire Nation," Sokka struggled to say it out loud.

"I don't understand," Zuko said. Sokka could feel the pain in his boyfriend's voice and he hated being the reason for it.

"Zuko, I've been away from my family for months. Katara and I haven't even talked in weeks and I miss my dad and gran gran," Sokka admitted. It seemed to make Zuko feel even worse. He put his face down into his hands and Sokka put his hand on his back.

"I'm so sorry Sokka," Zuko said as his voice trembled, "I've kept you from your family without even thinking about it. I'm such a terrible boyfriend."

"Hey, don't say that," Sokka said and started rubbing Zuko's back to comfort him, "It was my decision to stay in the Fire Nation and help you stop the bandits. I don't regret it for a second because I ended up with the best boyfriend in the world."

"Do you really mean that?" Zuko looked up and his sad, golden eyes met Sokka's piercing blue ones.

"Of course I do," Sokka replied and Zuko lunged forward and hugged him tightly, tear drops falling onto Sokka's shoulders. It was Sokka's turn to run his hand through Zuko's hair which seemed to calm him down.

"Once you get everything sorted out back home, I'd love for you to come down and visit so I can show you where I grew up," Sokka said, letting his hand run through Zuko's hair one last time as the firebender pulled away. "I'd love that."

Sokka gently brushed his hand over Zuko's scar, causing him to flinch and back away.

"Zuko, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you," Sokka said and instantly regretted his action.

"I wish I never had this ugly scar," Zuko said and stood up to continue packing.

"It's part of who you are, it shows how much you've been through and how strong you are," Sokka said in his soft compassionate voice. "You're beautiful Zuko, every part of you."

He suspected he helped a little because the firebender blushed slightly. They talked for a while longer before Sokka had to go back to his room to finish packing. Zuko had offered to fly him to the south pole, but he declined. Him and Aang were taking Appa and he thought it would be a good way to reconnect with the avatar.

As they said their goodbyes Sokka wanted desperately to hug his boyfriend, but resisted the urge since Aang, Toph and Bumi were there with them. He watched as the war balloon rose high into the air, disappearing above the clouds.

EDIT: Thank you all so much for reading, voting and commenting! I just saw we got to #1 ranking for Zukka and I am speechless. I never in a million years expected even a handful of people to read this, and the fact that so many of you have read and enjoyed the story really has impacted me. The story still has some life left in it so there will be more, but I just wanted to thank all of you again for your support!

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