Chapter 65: On the Other Side

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"Why does Sparky almost get himself killed so much?" was the first thing Zuko heard upon waking up in a bright room that smelled strangely like herbs.

"We were just trying to have a romantic dinner," the wonderful voice of his boyfriend protested, "it's not our fault the Fire Nation is full of evil people."

The joy of hearing Sokka's voice was short-lived with that comment. His eyes slowly opened. He was laying on his back, staring up at a bamboo ceiling as birds chirped outside the open window.

"Can't your magic water bending healy powers fix him any faster?" Sokka said like a little kid, facing away from the bed and towards their friends.

"Can't you act your age?" Katara playfully shot back. A faint smile crept on the firebender's face. He tried to roll on his side to get up but a sharp pain in his side quickly made an end to his attempt.

"Sparky's awake!" Toph shouted, making Zuko nearly jump out of his skin in the process.

Sokka was at his side in an instant and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. Zuko groaned quietly due to the pain brought on by Sokka hugging him, even though he was barely squeezing him. Sokka let go just as quickly once he realized he had hurt Zuko.

"I'm sorry," Sokka said apologetically, pain clear as day in his beautiful eyes. Zuko reached out and placed his hand on the water tribe boy's smooth cheek, and Sokka rested his hand gently over the firebender's.

"I was afraid I lost you back there," Sokka said with a pain in his voice that cut deep. Zuko wiped away a single tear from Sokka's face.

"You'll never get rid of me boomerang boy," Zuko said and despite the pain forced a smile to make Sokka feel better.

Sokka's smile slowly faded from his face. He looked away from Zuko and towards the hems of the bedsheet covering the firebender's legs.

"I know what you did before our date," Sokka said mournfully, as if he was sorry for Zuko.

Zuko furrowed his brows in confusion, not sure of what his boyfriend was talking about.

"Zuko," Sokka said softly, "You risked everything for us."

"I don't understand," Zuko said, still unsure of what Sokka was referring to. Maybe it was the fogginess of coming out of a brief coma, or maybe Sokka just wasn't making any sense.

"After we found you and took you to the palace doctor I found out with the rest of the Fire Nation about the law you had passed," Sokka said. He looked hurt and Zuko knew it wasn't for himself.

"It was the right thing to do," Zuko said. The rest of the gaang had given the two of them some space and were now standing by the open window talking.

"That couldn't have made it any easier to decide on," Sokka said.

"Sokka," Zuko said and gently placed his hand on Sokka's beautifully tan one, "I love you with all my heart, and one day I want to be able to marry you. It's only right for people across the Fire Nation to be able to do the same."

Sokka's eyes finally met Zuko's again. They were apologetic but that was slowly replaced with a look that Zuko thought was one of gratitude and happiness.

"Do you have the strength to scoot over some?" Sokka asked with a small smile that Zuko returned as well.

"With you by my side I feel like I could run a marathon," Zuko said, happily making room in his hospital bed for Sokka. The water tribe boy climbed in next to him and laid his head on Zuko's chest.

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