Chapter 38: Betrayal

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Toph and Aang began extending a bridge of rock out over the lava pit towards the island the temple was now located on. The cavern was unbearably hot, and by how much they were all sweating, Zuko wasn't sure if anyone could have survived being down there for that long.

"I'm going to fly down there and scout ahead," Aang said and pulled out his glider.

"No don't!" Sokka said and grabbed Aang's shoulder before he could take off, "Zuko and I learned the hard way trying to fly surrounded by this much heat doesn't work."

Sokka's warning brought back memories of their trip to boiling rock. They had taken Zuko's war balloon without realizing the heat would cause the balloon to lose its ability to fly. Despite the complication of losing their ride out, him and Sokka had managed to rescue chief Hakoda and Suki.

He hadn't realized it at the time but surviving boiling rock with Sokka was what made them so close in the first place. Without Sokka's bravery they may have never ended up in a situation where they realized their feelings for each other.

The sentimental thoughts would have to wait because they had reached the rocky island. The fire sage temple rose high above them, the lava casting an ominous glow on the limestone walls.

"We should split up to cover more ground. Toph and I will take the lower half of the building, Zuko and Sokka you take the upper half," Katara said.

"I'll go into the spirit world to see if any spirits know what happened here," Aang said and sat down to meditate.

"We'll meet back here in twenty minutes," Katara said and the four friends took off.

Sokka and Zuko flew up the stairs of the temple. When they reached the top, they searched every room but had no luck finding anyone.

"What if they aren't here?" Sokka asked as they made their way down to the next floor.

"Then we'll keep searching until we find them," Zuko said, holding open the door to the next floor for Sokka.

"Why thank you kind sir," Sokka said with his goofy grin. Zuko laughed and followed his clown of a boyfriend down the hall.

The heat was oppressive, and they were both sweating profusely. Sokka of course made light of the situation and said, "You and your body odor are going to have to snuggle up with Appa after this."

"Says the water tribe boy who wore the same shirt four days in a row after we got back from ember island," Zuko retorted and Sokka pouted knowing he was right.

There was no one on the next five floors and Zuko was starting to lose hope. The extreme heat was taking a toll on his body, and he was afraid it was taking an even bigger toll on Sokka.

"We should turn back," Zuko said after searching the last room on the floor for any survivors.

"Wait, do you hear that?" Sokka asked and signaled for Zuko to be quiet for a second. Zuko listened and he thought he heard a very quiet call for help.

"I think it's coming from this way," Zuko said and the two headed off down a long hallway. At the end of the hall was what appeared to be a strange decorative wall fixture, but upon closer inspection Zuko realized it resembled the mechanism in avatar Roku's temple.

"Stand back," Zuko told Sokka, who got out of his way. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in before unleashing a stream of fire that shot through the metal pipe. With a loud shutter a hidden doorway opened and out rushed the lost fire sages and their students.

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