Chapter 67: Reconciling with the Past

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Sokka woke up to Zuko brushing his hand gently over his cheek. He smiled at the firebender who looked like he felt much better after resting for so long.

"I thought I was the one who was supposed to be sleeping all day?" Zuko said, playfully poking Sokka's slim cheeks like he was a baby.

"What can I say?" Sokka said, "worrying about you all night is tiring."

He was glad to see Zuko looking stronger after such a short time, and he would have to thank Katara for spending so much time healing him with water from the south pole.

"Sokka I'm sorry for scaring you like that..." Zuko began to apologize for the previous night's disastrous end, but Sokka did not want to hear it.

"Zuko, you're alive and well and that is all that matters to me," Sokka said and sat up in bed so he would be able to meet Zuko's eyes directly.

"There's nothing more important to me in the world than you," Sokka said and rested his head against Zuko's. "I just want us to be together and happy."

"That's all I want too," Zuko said calmly as he raised his arm and put it around Sokka to hold him close.

The door creaked as it opened and a familiar voice said softly, "I hope I'm not interrupting something."

"Mai!" Zuko said, obviously surprised to see his ex-girlfriend there after he had broken her heart twice.

"I thought you might like some comfort food while you recover," Mai said and gracefully walked over to the nightstand and set down a basket filled with food that Sokka knew would be spicy based off the aroma.

Sokka felt a little uncomfortable laying in Zuko's bed with his boyfriend's ex was standing there, but Mai was quick to say, "I'm glad the two of you are still together after everything you've been through. I was worried my idiot ex-boyfriend wouldn't get back together with you."

Zuko's face went bright red from embarrassment and Sokka had to suppress his laughter.

"I don't know," Sokka said with the smallest smirk, "hotshot tried to get me killed last night so he might be sleeping on the couch when we get back."

Mai, who hardly ever showed emotions other than discontent actually laughed at his joke.

"Good to know my boyfriend can make my ex-girlfriend laugh when I couldn't," Zuko said, feigning feeling hurt by the truth.

"It comes naturally to me," Sokka joked and gently tickled Zuko's side making him laugh and try and get away.

"I've found someone else that can make me laugh too," Mai said in an offhand comment that caught both Sokka and Zuko off guard.

"What do you mean?" Zuko asked inquisitively in a way that made Sokka jealous.

"I met a guy at the farmer's market a few weeks ago," Mai said nonchalantly, "we started talking while I was picking out some vegetables and he asked me out on a date. I think him and I are going to work out. He makes me really happy, and I haven't felt that way since I was with you."

Zuko's face once more flushed from embarrassment, and Sokka sank in the bed slightly due to how jealous he was feeling.

"I'm glad to hear that," Zuko said, his voice fluttering ever so slightly.

"What's this new guy's name?" Sokka asked, not wanting to be left out of the conversation.

"His name is Lee," Mai said, a dreamy look taking hold in her eyes as she talked about him, "He's just a regular guy. He's not related to any royalty, no son of a warlord, no ties to a governor, but to me he's the most amazing guy in the world."

The look of jealousy in Zuko's eyes faded at the same time as Sokka's. It was surprisingly nice to hear someone else talk about their romantic life for once. Sokka was genuinely happy for Mai too. As she explained more about Lee, Zuko scooted closer to Sokka and held him a little tighter, making it clear Zuko only had eyes for him.

"He wants to take me to the former Fire Nation territories to meet his family soon," Mai said and Sokka thought he saw a sparkle in her eyes he had never seen before.

"It's pretty serious then?" Sokka asked, smiling slightly as it seemed like she was embarrassed being this honest with them.

"I think so," Mai said and smiled. Her face completely changed when she smiled. It seemed like Lee made her happy in a way no one else had ever done, not even Zuko.

"I'm not sure when I'll be back," Mai continued. "We might spend some time traveling across the Earth Kingdom. My parents want me to take up political office now that I'm officially an adult, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet."

"I can't blame you there," Zuko said and took a moment to look out the window at the bustling city below, "being Fire Lord at such a young age hasn't been easy, but you have a choice to delay diving into this world and it's only right for you to take it."

"Besides, if your parents try and make a fight over you wanting some time to yourself, you've got the Fire Lord as a friend to stand up for you," Sokka said, making Mai smile once more.

"You guys don't have to be this nice to me you know," Mai said. "After all I'm sure it's awkward for you with me still being around."

"Don't be ridiculous," Sokka said, speaking before Zuko even had the chance to make things awkward. "We've all found love and happiness, and I'm happy to live in the present and not the past."

"You took the words right out of my mouth," Zuko said in his beautifully gravelly voice.

"I should get going," Mai said and got up from the chair, "I've got a lot of packing to do if I'm going to be gone for a while."

"Good luck with meeting Lee's family," Zuko said and put his arm back around Sokka.

"Yeah and don't get into too much trouble in the Earth Kingdom," Sokka added playfully.

"I think it's Zuko you should be worried about getting into trouble," Mai jokingly said and waved goodbye before leaving their room.

Sokka was shocked at how well he handled being in the same room as Zuko and Mai given their long history together. He was proud he had so much faith in his boyfriend that he didn't even need to feel jealous after all.

"What do you say we get out of here and go have some fun?" Zuko asked in a slightly seductive voice that sent shivers down Sokka's spine.

"As much as I want to say yes and go on an adventure with you I can't let you risk hurting yourself while you're still recovering," Sokka said, saddened to see the spark of excitement fade from his lover's golden eyes.

"Can we at least play a game of Pai Sho so I can kick your butt?" Zuko asked, a new wave of excitement visible on his face.

"Now that's something you don't have to ask twice about!" Sokka said and jumped out of bed and ran out of the room. At the end of the hall was the reception area. He asked the receptionist at the desk if he could borrow a Pai Sho set to which she obliged.

By the time he walked back into Zuko's room the firebender had already sat up in bed and rolled his bedside table over so they could set up the game.

"Someone is trying to distract me so I make a mistake," Sokka said as he set the Pai Sho board on the table and pulled up a chair, trying not to focus too much on his now shirtless boyfriend's toned abs.

"What?" Zuko said with a smirk, "it's really hot in this room."

"Mhm the firebender whose body naturally runs hot thinks the room is hot but not the guy from the south pole," Sokka retorted. It was warm but the breeze coming through the window made it plenty bearable, and Sokka knew Zuko was shirtless just for him.

"What do you say we get started so I can win sooner?" Zuko asked.

"You're on hot shot!" Sokka said with a smile.

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