Chapter 57: Sokka's Plan

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Sokka's eyes drifted open and he felt an extra weight on him, only to find Zuko laying his head on Sokka's chest. He was sound asleep and looked more beautiful than he ever had before.

He had wasted six months away from Zuko, and now that he was laying there snuggled up against him, he never wanted to let him go again. Sokka wanted to run his hands through Zuko's hair so bad, but he was too afraid of waking him up and losing him.

Sokka slowed his breathing as best he could, afraid any slight change would cause Zuko to wake up. It had been so long since he had shared a bed with him, he had forgotten how comforting Zuko's natural warmth was, and how much easier it made it to fall asleep.

The door to his room opened and Katara walked in and said, "Sokka it's past noon you better not still be sleeping!"

When she saw both of them her eyes flew open and she covered her mouth. Sokka's eyes were wide open too and so too were Zuko's. He looked up and realized he was laying on Sokka's chest and quickly got up and out of bed.

"Sorry, I didn't know..." Katara stammered and Sokka glared are her for waking Zuko up.

"What time is it?" Zuko asked, quickly smoothing out his pajamas before opening the curtains and blinding all of them. "I guess that answers my question."

"I have to go, I have an important meeting in ten minutes," Zuko said and rushed out of the room.

Sokka climbed out of bed and walked over to Katara and frowned.

"I didn't know," Katara said and looked quite embarrassed, "but I'm glad you two are back together!"

"We're not back together," Sokka said. She winced slightly and made her way over to the bed to start making it for him.

"He had bad nightmares last night and so I let him stay with me," Sokka explained, softening his tone so it didn't sound like he was scolding his sister. She couldn't have known Zuko would be there with him, and he wouldn't have even seen Zuko at all had it not been for her.

"I'm scared I've lost him Katara," Sokka admitted, sitting on the bed she had just finished making.

"I don't think he would have slept in the same bed as you if he hated your guts," Katara retorted.

She had a point, but how was he going to get Zuko to trust him again? Once you break someone's trust it's hard to get it back. He grabbed some clothes from his bag he still hadn't unpacked. Then the perfect idea struck him.

"I see the mischievous glint in your eyes," Katara said and smiled, "what's going on in that crazy mind of yours?"

"No time to explain," Sokka said and threw on his clothes, "I need you and Aang to distract the representatives Zuko is supposed to be meeting."

"I don't like the sound of this plan of yours," Katara protested.

"You want to see Zuko and me back together again right?" Sokka asked and Katara didn't look impressed to be conned into one of his schemes out of guilt.

"Fine, but I don't know how long we can keep them preoccupied," Katara said and got up.

"Thank you," Sokka said sincerely before she got to the door. Her disappointment faded and she smiled in the caring way she was known for and said, "Go get your man."

Sokka smiled and nodded. They both took off down the hall in opposite directions.

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