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"and you're free to go winston. have a good one."

"yeah you too" dallas replied to the officer after releasing the criminal. 

dal got out of the cooler a week early than he was supposed to for good behavior. to celebrate, he was gonna go drink a beer at bucks and crash in a bed better than what they had in jail. it was nice to finally be outside. the crisp air of tulsa could never be better.

yea, dallas has been arrested before. that was definitely nothing new, but getting out was nice when your crammed up in a small place full of bossy officers.

it always made dallas (and everyone else in tulsa) wonder why he got locked up so much for someone who was always glad to be out. something he knew that everyone else but the gang didn't know though, was that trouble was his only drive of living and the only thing to make him feel on top of the world. at 10 years old, dallas got thrown in the cooler for the first time. he had no parental guidance in his life causing him to never really care about anything but himself, and the rep he created when he moved to tulsa from new york. dallas winston was a unique, and known greaser. tall, handsome, street smart, chick-magnet, trouble maker, tough you name it.

but that's what people saw on the outside.

yes, he was truly all of those things but due to his past, that boy has nothing but walls built up inside. he's broken, angry and lonely so trouble, alcohol and his current girlfriend just keep him going. though he can get anyone, sylvia caught his eye. she was stunning, like no other and loyal.

which is what he thought.

seeing that dallas was only a few minutes from bucks, he put some pep in his step, excited to finally get some alcohol in his system. though it was early, the new yorker knew there would be some type of party going on. bucks was the center for greaser parties. it was rare for socs and greasers to be at the same party unless it was a huge house party. no grease wanted to be seen near the socs and stayed out of their side of town. the socs on the other hand, felt as if they could bother the greasers as much as possible. they were too stuck up to care about staying where they should. socs were the main reason them and greasers even had problems. but never, will they ever be as tough as a greaser. they're just preppy bitches with nothing to do but drink, go out to fancy places and bother people for no reason.

anyways, dal finally reached bucks, walking inside to receive many stares, and a toothy grin from buck.

"dallas winston! out of the cooler I see..." buck shook the boys hand, his smile quickly fading when he realized something.

"got out early, i'm just gonna grab a beer if that's cool."

"sure, it's on me. sit now."

buck tried to get dallas to sit, but he just leaned on the bar as he was planning to go upstairs and lay in his bed.

handing dallas the beer, dal thanked him and started to head up the stairs.

"dal! you don't want to go up there, I  promise ya!!" buck yelled

the brunette just gave him a weird stare and stubbornly made his way upstairs...

A/N: hey guys :) this is short and sucky but it's j a lil chapter to my second story on this app. i rly hope y'all enjoy it and have a good day/night💓

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