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it was a warm wednesday afternoon in tulsa. eden was helping soda change a tire and do an oil change at the DX, while steve worked at the register today. she decided it would be nice to help them out before she had to get ready for her date at 6:00 tonight.

"ya know ed, you're real good at this. come work for us since you can work a car better than steven over there."

"i heard that!!" steve yelled sarcastically towards soda.

"i'd love to considering i don't do much when i get home, but i can't stay for much longer today unfortunately." eden replied to soda, smiling.

"does someone have a date?" soda asked.

"yes, and that someone is me. we met monday at lunch. i think he's fine lookin."

"well if he messes up you know who to call." soda winked, making eden laugh.

she was thankful she had the boys though she could most definitely take care of herself. it was just something about knowing the gang cared for her that made her feel a certain way she couldn't put into words.

you could say she truly loved her brothers.

about twenty minutes passed till eden decided to head home and get ready. no matter what, she wouldn't get dressed an usual style for someone she's interested in. she's always stuck to her own personal style and was fine with that. she put on a natural look for her makeup and styled her hair.

she took tim's car to the dingo. luckily his car was a convertible so she let the top down and let the warm tulsa air fly onto her. she wanted to enjoy this while it lasted because the tulsa weather goes from a scorching hot october to freezing your ass off in november. eden absolutely adored october, mainly because of halloween. she loved to dress up and go out with her friends till she was sick to her stomach from eating too much.

finally, she made it to the dingo, parking and walking in. she met eyes with dean and waved, making her way over to him.

"hey dean, i hope i wasn't late i was enjoying my car ride a little bit." she laughed.

"no worries, i got here two minutes before you did. i'm just waiting on a waitress to come by so we could at least order drinks." dean assured her, calming her nerves a bit.

they both ordered cokes to start and began talking about themselves. dean was very extroverted, which eden didn't mind but she was more of an introvert and kept within herself and her friends. he was into books and literature much like pony, but he also enjoyed playing sports as he was a varsity football/volleyball player since freshman year and wasn't a bad baseball player either, he just wasn't as serious about it. he seemed like your typical popular guy but you could tell he still cared about things like grades and what not.

he was a real charming guy, perfect for her as well. she just didn't feel like it would last when she had another guy on her mind. she wondered why she was so gravitated towards someone who was probably the biggest asshole ever, yet she still knew he was nicer than he could come off. she just had to look deeper into dallas than she should.

it's not like she wanted to "fix" him but more of make him have someone he knew he could be himself around. but as her food came out, her mouth watered at the sight of her burger.

"someone's hungry huh?" dean said making eden laugh real hard.

"i haven't eaten all day, leave me alone!" she giggled.

"hey, you do you pretty. that burger still doesn't top this steak though."

eden stole a piece of his steak and placed it in her mouth all while her eyes were still on dean.

"ehhh, doesn't top my burger i promise you that."

he quickly grabbed the burger that was cut in half.

"you basically swallowed it!!" she said in between chuckles.

as they laughed and joked around, dallas passed by the dingo and looked through the window as anyone else would. his eyes landed on the prettiest girl in the room, yet she was laughing with someone that wasn't him.

dally attempted to tell himself things were better off that way. it's not like she wouldn't be just like sylvia and he wanted to avoid that happening again as much as possible.

that didn't change that he felt drawn to her. i mean she was anyone's dream girl but pretty boy dean got a chance with her, not dally.

dallas was confused and upset that he couldn't ever get away from her. the more he tried, the more he knew that she had the gang wrapped around her finger. there was no escape from her.

man, he thought to himself. i'm really screwed now aint i?

(a/n: enjoy this short chapter!! i'll be uploading chapter 12 as soon as possible<3)

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