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dallas was currently spending his night in his bed. he couldn't smoke, he couldn't drink. he just laid there thinking about himself.

why is he so fucked up?

why the hell did eden change everything for the gang?

why did he constantly have this feeling of wanting to be around her, then shutting it down?

he had never felt so strongly for someone so quick. hell, she was everything someone could want and more. she taught him more about himself in two months then he knew about himself in seventeen. he knew keeping her around would be good for him, but he hated change, even if it meant he could be a person that was more than up-keeping a stupid reputation.

she put him in his place tonight and it made him feel weird. he couldn't explain it but he felt defeated in a way, making him fully aware he was the cause of his issues not getting anywhere. he so badly wanted to do something about it, but it was easier said than done.

trying to brush away his thoughts, he got up from his bed and headed to his car. he drove to the lake where he remembered him and eden's big argument. he sat on a large rock and looked up at the stars.

as we all know, dallas winston hated sunsets. he hated pretty colors, so when eden showed him the black sky full of stars, he found something he enjoyed to look at that wasn't her face, or the annoyed looks of the feds when dallas got out of jail early, laughing in their faces.

the stars made him think clearly, you had no bright colors distracting you and the stars told a story. he smiled at the thought of the night eden told him all she knew about them, and he went to go find his zodiac sign in the stars. he didn't care for astrology but when eden was talking about it, it was the only thing that mattered in that moment.

—————the next morning

eden woke up extra early today to get ready and grab the boys. she did her morning routine and got dressed according to the weather. she knew dallas would still take her despite the fight they had, because she knew she told him the truth. at the same time though, she hoped she didn't hurt him too bad.

the walk to bucks was pretty chilly even with the flannel covering her arms. it was a windy october day in tulsa. getting there, she noticed dallas walking out of bucks.

"you ready to go eden?"


in all honesty, eden still felt a bit upset towards him so she kept her guard up for today. all she cared about was making sure the two runaways were doing fine.

this time there was no comfortable silence. they both wanted to just get the boys and leave. the tension was thick and awkward as eden was mad and dallas felt like shit.

after what felt like years, they made it to the abandoned church as eden ran up to the boys engulfing them into a group hug.

"pony you're a blonde now!" eden exclaimed "here, soda wanted me to give this to you." she handed him the letter and sat down on one of the broken church chairs as johnny and dallas smoked and talked before they all went to grab some fast food.

this drive was better, just a bit more risky as the boys had to lay low. once we got our order, eden and dallas had never seen them eat faster. it broke their hearts knowing they lived off of cold cuts and a shared gallon of water.

"damn i'm glad you guys got some real food in your system today. i ain't ever seen you twigs eat like that in my life." dallas said cracking a joke.

eden chuckled as she let the breeze hit her while dallas drove back to the church. he glanced at her for a second to admire her.

"dallas if you keep staring at eden we'll crash. eyes on the road!!" johnny said making dallas' face go red.

eden started to snort, pony following seeing how flustered he was.

"someone's a little red huh?" eden teased nudging his arm.

"don't flatter yourself princess."

the ride was all fun and games till they saw the church on fire, taking them by surprise.

there was a bus next to the church, while children were trying to be put into it as teachers were scrambling to get the others out of the burning church. everyone but sally knew they needed to do something.

"pony!! johnny!! get the fuck back now!!" dallas yelled as the boys ran into the church.

eden got up to run before dallas tried to grab her waist to pull her back down. she ended up getting out of his grip, flipping him off.

"not you too!"

"we need to try 'n save those kids whether you like it or not. so stay or come but i'm going."

eden ran as fast as she could into the church without any concern of her hurting herself. her pony and johnny were sweating trying to look for the remaining kids through all the smoke that was almost blinding them. as they found the kids, there was one in a difficult spot. dallas finally caught up with them by this time but still stood outside of the church to help take them out and onto the bus. eden really didn't want a child to burn alive so she went to go take the chance of getting the little girl. apparently, her and johnny were thinking the same thing and he ran in front of her to grab the kid before a large part of the ceiling was about to hit him.

without thinking, eden said fuck it and kicked  johnny towards the kid as that part of the ceiling went down.

for eden, everything went black.

the boys thought they were going to be sick, dallas started to scream as he ran towards her trying to pull her out before the ambulance shoved him away and took care of it. her body was limp, as the injuries were clear. under all of the smoke you could see a snapped leg and foot, as her shoes were half melted off. none of the other injuries were able to be seen, but the boys knew it was bad and they didn't know how this would end.

"i wish she just stayed in that damn car man,"

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