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"..and then i walked out of the dingo all mad. but guys, he wrote our initials together on a car! i thought we could be cool but it seems like it'll take longer than expected." eden complained to pony, two-bit and johnny on the way to school.

"i think he's not used to a girl being above him." two-bit said and nudged her in the side jokingly. but deep down two and the boys felt like dallas may have gained feeling for her but they couldn't tell that to the girl who hated him so much.

as they continued to walk and talk eden heard a car speed up, then slow down as they got closer to the boys and her.

i'm fucked. she thought -no, she knew.

"hey, get over here you slut!" a soc yelled, jumping out of the spray painted car.

she wasn't scared. she walked towards him and punched him square in the face, making him fall towards the dirt.

"johnny, boys, get out of here i can handle them. i don't need darry gettin mad at ya."

three more greasers, one being bob ran at her. she kicked, punched, scratched as much as she could.

two-bit could care less about darry getting mad at him considering the two you get boys would be a different story. he launched himself towards randy another greaser and they started fighting.

eden was a good fighter, but two against four wasn't easy. she got pinned up against a wall to see a blade go straight to her neck.

she looked away and her eyes landed on dallas winston, who was smoking and watching her fight the whole time. her blood started to boil and she screamed at him.

"dallas are you gonna watch me get sliced up or are you gonna help, don't forget we did this together!!!"

he ignored her and walked the opposite way.

the dagger got closer to her neck as one greaser whispered dirty things in her ear.

"i don't wanna hurt ya sheapard but what you did to my friends car is a little unfair huh honey?"

"don't fucking honey me."

"what'd you just say you broad?" she felt her neck start to get wet as the greaser started to cut her. not too deep, but enough to leave a mean scar.

"she's not a broad!" someone yelled and grabbed one of the boys from behind, two-bit following as he got the other greaser down.

dallas winston didn't walk away to avoid the fight, he did what you would call a sneak attack.

it made eden feel relieved but confused. she didn't know dallas well enough, but man one thing she knew was how unpredictable he is.

and she kinda loved it.

she slowly dragged herself to the ground as she couldn't fight any longer. soon enough, the greasers drove off most likely skipping school.

she was tired, but relived she was able to fight them off with the help of the two boys.

"you got a hell of a punch girl." dallas said helping her up.

"yea and my fist would've been connected to your face if you didn't get you ass over here," she punched his shoulder playfully "but you get a pass for not calling me a broad this time."

he smiled and looked at her. "you're not, i'm sorry."

two-bit felt awkward so of course he spoke up.

"okay love birds, school isn't really in anyone's agenda so let's go get cleaned up."

eden laughed and offered to go to her place to get cleaned up since no one was at the curtis' at the moment.

"eden i'm not tryna get into another fight here-"

"no ones home, you'll be fine dallas."


at the house, she sat the boys on the couch and quickly went to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit.

"nurse eden is on the way!" she joked.

two-bit was first. he was a messy fighter that was for sure, but under the blood he was left with a few minor cuts and bruises.

"thank you for cleaning me up ed, i'm gonna go head out now." he winked for only eden to see.

she sighed, knowing he wanted to leave me and dallas alone.

"alright you're up next cmon." she sat next to dallas and cleaned up his face.

his lip had a small cut, and a bruise on his cheekbone. this gave her the chance to examine his face as this would be the closest they'll ever be again.

yea right.

she thought he was beautiful under the rough exterior he held in a facial expression.

she'd never say it but when she smiled at him today, she felt like maybe he could be friends with her. but never would she ever see him as that.

not after today at least but she knew she'd try and suppress her feelings as per usual.

"alright, you're all cleaned up." she stated and walked to the bathroom to look at herself and clean her cuts.

she was beat pretty badly. she had a bruise under a cut in her stomach, a bruise on her jaw and the stupid cut on her neck.

it hurt too much to clean after a while and she got scared too see the brunette next to her watching her.

"let me help you out doll,"

her stomach turned. "call me that again and you die."

he chuckled at her and took the first aid kit. she cleaned up everything for her and now it was his turn to admire her features. but dallas wouldn't even dare to let anyone in. they always cheated, they always lied, so what made her any different right?

he was so damn wrong.

after he cleaned her up, they headed to the door to let dallas out. he started to walk when eden called his name.

"uh dallas, i just wanted to say thank you for today. maybe if everyday you acted like this, we could get along." she said bluntly and closed the door.

it was only 11am and the day was already long, so eden decided to sleep it off.

"what a fucking day huh?" she said to her ceiling.

no one responded, but she knew the answer.

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