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it's been about a week now since the gang started to have eden around.

dallas was distant to no one's surprise, but the rest of the gang really enjoyed her. they haven't had a female figure around them since mrs. curtis passed. it was nice knowing her attitude a bit more, seeing as she gained the confidence to be more of herself around them.

today they thought it would be nice to go to a secret lake johnny and ponyboy found (illegally) driving the unfamiliar parts of town.

eden and the rest of the gang stared in awe at the quiet scene in front of them.

the rocks around them held clear blue water, with the right amount of shade from the trees flowing down, but the sun was shining right in the middle of the it all.

they wanted nothing more than to just jump in.

so they did.

taking off their shirts and shorts, their eyes landed on the beautiful girl wearing the black two piece. she didn't notice them stoping their actions till an awkward silence filled her ears.

she looked straight at dallas first, seeing him look at her, but straight into her admirable eyes. his quickly turned cold.

she then noticed the other boys who pretended that they were scratching their necks.

"is there something on my fucking eye? cmon guys don't be weird." she joked.

they felt at ease, as she played the stares off in a joke.

boys only think about one thing huh? eden thought.

once they all jumped in the lake, all the sweat from their backs was cooled down. including darry, they acted like children and wrestled, threw water at each other and forgot about the worries of a teenager in tulsa.

that of course ended quickly when dallas submerged eden quickly into the water. she was feisty, but dallas was way worse and she knew she was wait her gonna pass out or use all of her power to hit his balls.

she of course went for plan B and elbowed the criminal.

"you bitch!! couldn't you have drowned instead of elbowing me? the ladies kinda need that from me broad." dallas yelled whilst in pain.

"god, you're so stuck on your stupid reputation being bruised so you drown me???? fuck you winston! i've been having a great month so far meeting these boys but you always make sure it gets ruined!" eden fought back.

this is all the two did till darry or steve broke it up. the eyes johnny gave her every time broke her. it reminded him of my parents. but this time, johnny was staring at dallas. disappointed because dallas more than anyone knew he hated fighting, and to try and drown eden just hurt.

once everyone got to the curtis house, it was dead silent. from the fight, and from being tired of messing around in the sun and water all day. eden really hates silence when it was filled with bad energy. she could just feel it was kinda off in the house.

"so, anyone else enjoy that spot johnny and pony found for us?" she spoke up.

soda looked at her and started talking.

"definitely, not that they should be driving or anything but i'm glad they found it. we can all hang there on special occasions, maybe i could take my girl sandy there!"

well now she knows who's out of the dating question.

after a cigarette and some chocolate cake, she decided to go home and sleep. she was mentally and physically exhausted. she helped herself out after saying goodnight and look to her right to see dallas with a beer.

he was staring at the stars.

god, she loved the stars. but right now just wasn't the right time to be captivated in them. she needed to tell dallas something.

"listen winston, i'm tired of your bullshit and the way it hurts johnny. either continue to hurt someone who loves you a lot or stop talking to me." she spat and walked away.

dallas just stared at her and back at the stars. he felt bad, really bad for today. today and every other day he continues to hurt her but he can't help it. it's who he is and it'll keep her away from a certain aspect.


eden made her way home till her thoughts dragged her into sitting in the lot and stargaze. she stared at the symbols the stars made, at the moon and the way it makes a face if you look closely. she pulled out a cigarette and started thinking. thinking about her life, about they way it changed so quick and it only made her feel guilty.

no, she didn't completely forget about her parents of course, but she definitely felt distracted and it made her feel so fucking bad.

would they want that? do they think i'm moving on or forgot about them? will the gang ever get tired of me? will i ever have a home? could i ever feel okay again?

her thoughts made her feel overwhelmed and she started to hyperventilate and cry.


the rustling of newspapers made her jump as they flew around in the wind revealing those eyes.

those damn puppy eyes.

"johnny? what the hell are you doing here?"

"i could ask you the same thing" he proceeded to sit up and next to eden. "what's going on? is everything okay?"

she took a deep breath and explained her thoughts to johnny. her parents, her new group of friends, and dallas' words actually getting to her. she broke down as johnny held her.

after a minute, she knew she had to be strong in front of him and sat up.

"come stay with me. i- i- i don't want you here alone in newspapers, please." she tried her best to compose herself.

"i would never take up on any type of offer like this but i think we need each other right now, let's go eden."

she smiled as they got up and walked to the sheapard's home.

it really never mattered when eden or the sheapard brothers left or came home. no one really minded or seemed to notice. they were free to do whatever thought getting in trouble was the only time you got your ass kicked.

to eden's surprise tim was up.

"hey, this my friend johnny. he needs to stay here for a while, ill grab an extra mattress and keep him in my room."

"i don't care, as long as i don't hear moaning, do as you please"

johnny and eden cringed at tim's words and walked to edens room.

it was neat and spacey, just enough room for her vinyls and rock posters. it was real nice knowing johnny would sleep with no worries for a while.

the two set up a mattress on the floor of eden's room and set some blankets and a pillow down on it.

she smiled at him and said goodnight kissing the boys cheek.

he knew he found a home. well two, to be exact.

eden and the place she let him stay.

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