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today, the gang decided to go to the drive in theater to see godzilla since soda and steve wouldn't shut up about it. eden didn't mind action movies, she just got bored of them easily. (a/n: i rly love action movies) right now, the boys and eden were putting on their coats and making their way to their destination.

it's been days since the fight eden, two and dally got into. dallas and eden had seemed to be avoiding each other and kept any conversations very brief. it was obvious they couldn't suppress the feelings they had about each other. it felt awkward and they wanted to brush it off.

the walk with the gang was fun as always. it was full of piggy rides and dirty jokes. of course once they got to the movies they had snuck in like usual. it was edens first time going, so if they got caught it would also be her last time going. the seating was of course purposely made by two and johnny, having dallas sit next to the girl he's been trying to avoid. if things weren't so weird, dallas would be doing anything to annoy her.

so to pretend nothing was there, he did that exact same thing.

once darry brought back some popcorn for everyone to share between one another, dally couldn't help but throw some at eden's face. she looked at him and rolled her eyes, then going back to the movie about a stupid dinosaur with horrible graphics. it was cheesy in all honesty.

a couple minutes passed, dallas has been poking her and tossing popcorn at her before she dug in to grab some herself. for a second their hands brushed and they looked up at one another. eden couldn't read the boy's expression but it wasn't his usual look per say, he had his guard down. she brushed a piece of his hair back and leaned in, dallas as well, then she smeared popcorn across the face, leaving crumbs all over him. for a second dallas laughed till his eye went dark.

"tease me like that again and you'll see what happens." he whispered in her ear.

"you're all talk dallas winston, i could care less."

"i could say the same for you doll."

there it was again. that stupid feeling in her stomach. she was about the say something till that stupid soc cherry tapped dallas' shoulder.

"could you move over a bit?" she asked. "i cant see the movie."

he turned around and flashed his infamous smirk towards the redhead. eden tuned out whatever flirting was about to go on and got up to grab a coke for herself and the boys. once she payed and walked back to everyone, she passed all the drinks out leaving dallas empty handed. she wasn't buying him a drink after that. to her, all guys thought and spoke with their dicks. well dallas surely did, mainly to get a rise out of the girl next to him. of course he found it funny.

"no coke for me babe? someone's jealous."

"no one would ever be jealous of you dallas, i just think you don't deserve a coke till you know how to not flirt with anything that breathes. that doesn't slide with me." she smirked making dallas annoyed.


finally the movie ended and the gang was walking back to their homes. eden was currently carrying a heavy johnny on her back trying desperately not to drop him. he may have looked small but boy did he not feel it. her thoughts then switched to the fact that she had school tomorrow. she got bored of it quick and couldn't wait for the summer. worrying about homework was a stress when all she'd rather do was have fun and do whatever her heart desired.

once they made it to the sheapard's eden headed into the shower so she could wash her hair, get in her pjs and go to bed. it was pretty late and she was too tired to wake up early and shower the next day before class. in the morning, she cooked for johnny and make herself a small bowl of cereal as she wasn't hungry that early in the morning. afterwards they made their way to hell to learn for seven hours.

monday's always felt long to the gang. ponyboy didn't mind school so he wasn't as upset about the beginning of the week as the rest. lucky him i guess.

steve and eden had science together so she knew his attitude and sarcastic remarks to annoy the teacher would wake her up. they always sat together in the last row of the class, away from the socs yet still close enough for them to make fun of the greasers in the room. eden despised the hatred of greasers. considering she was one, with a family that basically was the blueprint for greasers she knew how they truly were. they were carefree and did what they could to survive. they were humbled by the lack of money and worked hard for everything they had. as for socs, it was always handed to them. an education, transportation, money, clothes, anything and everything really. but unfortunately, they didn't appreciate it as they should.

the bell finally rang, shutting edens thoughys of the socs up and the all the students made their way to lunch. it was nice out, so eden decided to eat outside under a tree. next to her though was a boy too pretty for a grease. he was one though. he resembled a young jfk to eden so she knew she had to speak up and introduce herself.

"hey," she turned to him. "i'm eden, i hope you don't mind if i sit here."

"no problem, my name's dean. you a sheapard ain't you?" he smiled.

"if it wasn't obvious enough, yes. me and tim look a lot alike."

"it's like you read my mind, you really do look like him."

"so i know i'm pretty new here but how come i haven't seen you around?"

the boy faced her. "well, i prefer to sit here outside no matter the weather. i like the fact that there's no fighting or yelling under this tree."

eden laughed, agreeing with him.

"well if you like quiet places you should sit here more often. company wouldn't hurt if it's a pretty girl like you."

she blushed, then her mind went to dallas again.

dallas, you asshole. she thought to herself.

dean and eden shared some small talk, both asking and answering questions enjoying each other's company.

man if dallas was here right now he'd be pissed.

"well i'm gonna head to class early, but i really enjoyed talking with you. maybe we could continue this at the dingo wednesday? i have lots of studying to do tomorrow." dean asked as he nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"it's a date then." eden winked and walked away.

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