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(time skip: 1 month)

"you ready doll?" dallas asked as they sat in the doctor's office.

"yea, i can finally stop using a wheelchair thank god."

the two didn't know what they were, but it was better than nothing. they barely even fought and now that eden could wear a small cast around her foot, she'd be able to go out with the gang. all she had to wear were crutches.

once she got home from taking the cast off, she quickly got into the shower and started to shave. having only one leg to shave was pretty weird. it was cold out, but she still shaved because it made her feel fresh, she had nothing against natural hair obviously.

once she got out, she let out a loud curse when she saw dallas on her bed.

"i told you to wait in the car!!"

"you women take too long i was gettin bored!"

"whatever dal, just get out so i can change."

"nah, i prefer to watch." he shrugged, getting up and close to her.

she grabbed him by the ear and showed him out the room.

"you suck doll."

she rolled her eyes and laughed before closing her door, making sure dallas heard the knob lock. she got into jeans and a sweater letting dallas back in as she did her makeup.

"doll can you take that shit off, you don't need it and i wanna see the gang."

"dallas quit your whining before i put some blush and mascara on you."

"i don't even know what that is??"

eden sighed, forgetting he's a guy and also pretty oblivious. she showed him what each brush and makeup product was for and he just sat there absolutely confused.

"and it just.."

"-enhances your looks" eden finished his sentence.

"kinda cool i guess but ya know you're already beautiful without it."

"aw dal you little softy." the girl poked his stomach.

"like i say, only for you."

"ya know i'd usually be pretending i wanna throw up, but you two are actually cute. you do anything dal, i'll cut you up limb by limb." tim said, walking into eden's room after overhearing the pair.

"like you'd really care." eden mumbled.

"still cant forgive me huh?" tim asked.

"no." she simply said, yet her voice was laced with attitude.

"cmon dal, i'm ready to go."

her and eden walked out the house and met up with the gang at the curtis house as per usual.

after needing assistance walking up the stairs, eden put her crutches back on and made her way into the curtis home. everyone's eyes went straight to her leg, then to the crutches.

"look at you! you're getting closer and closer to being able to walk again. the crutches are way better than that annoying wheelchair i'll tell you that. i felt it when you struggled to get basically anywhere." soda laughed.

"trust me, it feels so much better to stand up. plus, we could all go to the drive-in tonight, there's gonna be a horror movie playing." eden suggested.

the gang agreed to all go before the sun would set, which was in about an hour.

"so, a horror movie ain't good unless we get a little buzzed..." eden started.

"and what are suggesting we do doll?" steve asked.

"hey!" dallas hit him upside the head "i call her that."

"anyways," she tried not to blush "i'm saying we should smoke?"

darry looked at her for a second like he was thinking.

"i'd never thought i'd say this but, i think we all need a little buzz once in a while huh?" darry said causing cheers from the gang.

"darry are you in there?" eden knocked his head a few times like he was a door.

"yes hon, i promise ya. you guys act like i'm a billion years old! i can have fun!!"

"fun? you're idea of fun is reading the newspaper with a beer in your hand." two said.

"oh and don't forget his old man reading glasses." pony added.

"okay we get it guys, we don't want to make him change his mind, so let's pass this baby around!!" eden cheered.

now that she could go out with no trouble of having to wheel around, she thought the gang and her should do something fun with a twist. she couldn't wait to see how everyone would be under the influence. of course they were all walking to the drive-in so it's not like anyone had to stay sober.

after about 30 minutes, everyone walked out and made their way to the movies. the sunset they had in front of them for their ten minute walk had the gang mesmerized, except for dally of course.

"i know pony and johnny love this shit, but i don't understand what's cool about it, not even under the influence."

"you'll find something that gives it beauty dal. it's not always the sunset itself ya know."

"well then why do you find it beautiful?"

"it reminds me of my life before i moved here. i'd look at the sunset at the end of every day and i haven't been able to see it since i got here. when my parents died, i started to forget all the beautiful things on earth."

"well besides me." dally jokingly added.

"of course babe."

"babe? well that one's new."

"fuck no, it just slipped i didn't-"

"no, i like it doll." he snaked an arm around her waist and held her tight as they kept walking.


about five minutes into the movie, the gang was settled in their seats and had their snacks. they've never seen a movie in such a different perspective. they were tripped out as eden, who was used to this feeling enjoyed watching them freak out.

pony, johnny and soda were basically shitting their pants. they were damn near innocent so their first time was a bit freaky. darry was calm and in the zone as if he'd done this before. two and steve were laughing their asses off, having the time of their lives. then that left dallas and eden. the two didn't even watch the movie, they were busy watching everyone else and they had a blast doing it.

of course something had to ruin the moment. the gang sobered up the second they saw a group of socs sit near them. every now and then, both groups would give each other glances which set off a thick tension. it was like the socs were up to something.

and they were.

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