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it's been two days since the gang departed from one another. the house eden and dallas wanted for johnny to enjoy was cold and quiet. eden hated the state they were all in. it wasn't even like she could express or feel any emotion, she sat in her bed staring into space with dallas next to her. him on the other hand was stressed and angry. he would've described his state like how he used to act back in new york but the brunette couldn't even pick up a cigarette. he constantly just moved around not knowing what to do.

then there was johnny. the empath was of course sad over the situation and missed his boys, but he couldn't help but absorb and feel the energy of the two who gave him this home. though he was many things at the moment, he was also happy. he couldn't grasp the idea of two people actually, truly wanting him in their home. yes he had the curtis home, but eden dallas and him were their own family. like parents and their child who they loved deeply. he appreciated every little thing they did for him and he knew he couldn't just sit there and not return the favor.

sitting up from his temporary spot on the couch, he went to the kitchen and grabbed the car keys on the little table. quietly, he opened the front door and decided to take a drive. as he sat in the car, he grabbed a cigarette and handed himself the map sitting on the passengers seat. it would be a fifteen minute drive to the nearest home supply store. as he started to drive, he made a mental note to buy what the house was missing. dallas had told him the previous owners lended over old furniture they didn't want so what was left was cleaning products for the furniture, as well as the rest of the house, and then a bed set for him then eden and dal. he also needed a mattress. he knew they could afford it, but only for so long. he needed to get a job maybe at a farm or supermarket to help pay for his own things and contribute to the bills.

about an hour or so passed and johnny had soaps, disinfectant sprays, a mop, a decent vacuum and the rest of what he felt they needed in the house. as he put his purchases in the car quickly, anxious of his encounter with the cashier...

Johnny took his money out to pay and handed it to the lady in front of him. she eyed him up and down. his hair was very wavy and messy, his clothes a bit stained and jeans wrinkled. no grease to be found so to this lady he looked like a runaway.

"you look quite young to be drivin' son. so tell me, how old are ya?"

"-eight -eighteen ma'am." johnny stuttered as normal.

"you sure bout that? and that accent, i ain't heard that round here." she interrogated.

"well i'm an adult and i'm from here so have a good day." johnny grabbed his bags and hurried out.

he was extremely confused. why'd she question him? johnny's hands tightened on the steering wheel as he took in a deep breath of the texas air. he always drove with the windows cracked open. the air always seemed fresher when johnny wasn't at home. his old home of course.

after pulling into the bumpy driveway, johnny grabbed his belongings. he started to breathe heavily leading up to the front door as he dropped the heavy bags that had just filled his arms. he unlocked the door with a spare key he had in his pocket to reveal a concerned dallas and eden.

"surprise?" johnny cracked a smile and waved his arms in the air.

"if you weren't so adorable i'd be soooo mad at you for taking the car." eden's eyes filled with adoration of the boy.

he could never do any wrong.

"what'd you get while you were out john?" dallas scratched his head.

"oh just some stuff i knew we needed. do you mind helping me bring them in dal? i also got two things in the trunk"

"yea no issue i got it all, start bringing in the bags and i'll grab the stuff from the trunk. i'm guessing it's heavy." dallas made his way out to the car.

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