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the whole shift was an awkward mess. eden drove straight to bucks after work and walked straight upstairs to dallas' room. she didn't even care to knock, startling dallas who of course, was taking a nap like nothing was going on.

"dallas did you hear about the paper? what the fuck is gonna happen when we pick them up?"


"yes we, i'm going whether you like it or not. soda already knows we sent them off to wherever the hell and he gave me this." she pulled the note out of her jeans to show dallas.

"fuck," he started to rub this forehead "maybe if you just gave johnny a fucking extra key instead of coming here."

"i was stressed out i just wanted a drink and to see you..i wasn't thinking okay? and wouldnt you think he would've gone to the curtis'?"

"i dont care, this is on you. if you just remembered you gave a fucking home to johnny then he'd be okay right now."

"are you seriously gonna put this all on me like i don't feel bad already? i swear it's like all you do is try and make others feel bad because you're upset. mistakes are gonna be fucking made dallas!! i didn't mean to do any of this and you know the stress i've been under. with all ive been through in the past three months do you think i'd really go and make my life or johnny's or even pony's any worse? i'll see you tomorrow and don't expect me to talk or even look at you."

eden slammed his door shut and went home.

to her surprise, everyone was home which scared her a bit.

"why's everyone here at this time? you guys are usually out."

"well with what's going on with johnny and pony it's just better if we call it a night a bit early. plus moms making dinner." tim's younger brother curly said.

"you're right, and please don't ask me what i know it's still too much for me. but anyways, what are we making for dinner."

"i'm making pasta with red sauce honey." her aunt said, completely not mentioning the incident.

edens aunt was the sweetest, and was always one to understand how to handle a situation. she was heaven-sent as eden would always say to herself. she thought of her as a guardian angel as she always knew what to do for herself and her family. she kept everything together.

"hey ed, haven't seen much of you around lately." tim said hugging her then messing her hair up a bit.

she would've minded if it wasn't tim, plus she was happy to see him.

"yea man i've been working a lot since that stupid drag race."

"hey cmon it wasn't stupid, me tim and dad went!" curly defended making eden chuckle.

they all sat in front of the tv talking about the race and how it went, eden enjoying the sound of it, wishing she wasn't the one fixing everyone's cars. it was nice to have dinner altogether for once. it's been a while since the sheapards had time with one another and eden knew for a fact they all enjoyed it.

did it make her miss her parents? hell yea, but she knew they had let her in with open arms and she couldn't argue with that at all. the adults of the sheapard family were all pretty similar and had the same morals and rules, so eden felt like she was still back home.

everything around her was changing, but never did she change for a second. she was still the same nature loving, pot smoker who kept her grades decent and made sure everyone around her was content.

well at least she tried to make sure.

all she knew was that things had to get worse for them to get good, so for tomorrow she was scared, not knowing what to expect when she picks up the boys or when she has to sit in a car with dallas.

this really sucked.







(a/n: hey guys!! i felt like updating again so this is just a small filler chapter. votes and comments are always appreciated<33)

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