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"oh dallas ya know you'll get locked up again if you get caught" ponyboy replied.

"nah man i'll be fine, just be on the lookout with johnny once we get there. you cool with that johnny?"

the frail boy looked up at dallas with hesitation before he spoke up.

"i don't know about that one dal, i don't need to get my face kicked in again."

"yea yea, you'll be fine i'm right here" dallas reassured the boy, ruffling his hair up to bring ease to his face.

the walk wasn't too far, but enough for the sun to start going down. a hot summer night was soon rolling in, the two boys aside from dallas looked up at the sun beginning to set.

dallas winston never understood the fascination with sunsets. ponyboy always explained it to him. johnny always got it, finding the view breathtaking, but dallas didn't find any care for it. it was just colors in the sky for him.

colors clearly weren't his thing. he portrayed curiosity and darkness in his eyes, clothes and soul. just like the night sky, the stars and moon not filling his sky though, he had nothing to fill him up or bring his true light out though.

dallas winston was dull.

or so he thought.

as the boys reached their destination, dallas spotted tim shepard, another tougher greaser in tulsa's car. he ordered johnny and ponyboy to look out, seeing if anyone was around, but as they were supposed to be watching for tim or his family, the two were intrigued in the sky, having their own conversation.

the troubled boy took out his switchblade and slashed each tire one by one. he looked at the car, satisfied with his work, feeling the excitement of thrill and trouble flow through his tall body.

that was till he heard footsteps beside him, thinking it was johnny by the look of the beat up chucks and ripped jeans but boy was he wrong.

"johnny, get away will ya i told you to look out. i did finish though, i kinda want to do mor-"

his sentence was cut short when he looked up at a girl.

it definitely wasn't johnny.

"slashing my cousins tires i see."

"you say a word and i have your neck, i was just going anyways so move along" dallas replied nastily.

"i'm not saying shit, i could really care less but it looks like you might need a better look out." the girl moved her head towards johnny and ponyboy, laughing together.

dallas wanted to kill them.

"looks like i do." he took a good look at the girl. she wasn't even phased by the boy in front of her which surprised dallas greatly.

she rolled her eyes at dally before walking off.

dallas took a deep breath and grabbed the boys. they ended up sneaking their way into the drive in, watching paul newman's latest movie. the night consisted of dallas bothering a soc of the name cherry, her pissing him off, and him leaving in anger of her not flirting back but actually throwing a soda in his face, spilling all over his body.

once he walked off, he let the cool breeze hit his wet body causing him to shiver and hug his body, his arms crossed with his hands rubbing them up and down. he was clearly annoyed by cherry blowing him off, and the girl he mistakes for johnny. why didn't she get intimidated? fall for him? he was so used to girls falling at his knees, or the opposite, walking in the other direction of him considering his aura was so strong in the most negative way possible.

it ticked him off to the core that his reputation gets bruised sometimes and he knew it was an issue. everything got him mad but he truly wasn't a mean person. you just had to get to know him and know his limits. his attitude was like no other.

he was difficult and complicated but it could be unraveled, though he had no idea.

"," a voice snapped him out of this thoughts. he rolled his eyes and turned around with a blank expression to the familiar voice.

"you slashed my tired didn't ya?"

"did your little piss off of a cousin tell you huh?" dallas spat at tim.

they started to shove each other before tim threw a punch. these two went at it constantly. no one knew if they were friends or enemies. they were either playing pool at bucks or going at it with each other like right now. but dallas knew if he got caught there would be a fight. it's only fair. but he had to win.

with the anger in dallas, it was obvious he'd win. he beat tim to shreds, not realizing he was going a little too far till he saw the cowboy on the floor. his nose bloody, face scratched and he was out of breath.

with a huff, dallas turned his heels the other way walking to bucks to get a drink and go to sleep after a crazy day out of jail.

he still had to clean his sheets though...

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