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"god this cast makes you weigh like a billion pounds." dallas wheeled the girl out of the hospital and helped her into the car. the whole drive she held back her tears. she'd rather be in that creepy hospital room than go back home to her so called family. she kept taking deep breaths and looked out the window, completely ignoring dallas.

getting to the house, dallas helped her inside so he could carry her to her room.

"nice to see everyone too! and oh, thank you so much for visiting me i appreciate it." eden yelled the second she got in.

"oh sweetie, we're so sorry. we were busy with-"

"save it auntie. i don't want to hear excuses. i may not be your daughter but the second you allowed me into this home after mom and dad died i became your responsibility so it would've been nice if y'all visited or called. but hey, at least i know i got a group of boys who made sure i was okay every second they could."

and with that, dallas smirked proud of the girl next to him. he closed her wheelchair and carried her to her room. placing her down on the bed he looked at her sympathetically.

"you really told them man, just don't be upset they probably had a good reason."

"it's just so unlike them dallas. they're usually caring but not enough to make sure i'm okay?"

"i cant say much since i've never had family care for me i'm sorry eden."

"hey, me and the gang are your family and you know we'd do anything to make sure you're alright. i know i would."

"thanks doll, you got a good heart ya know." he stated.

"having a good heart in tulsa don't mean shit dal let's be real. i get nothing out of being here i just want this all to end."

"one day we'll get out of here. just me and you okay?"

"promise me then."

"i promise eden." he stuck his pinky out, eden's interlocking with his.

she laughed. "a pinky promise, how mature of you."

"hey! i take this seriously, but if you find it funny, don't wipe that smile off your face okay? i'll be back tomorrow to hang with you. me and the boys are gonna head to the dingo."

"see ya later dal."

the tall boy walked out and made his way down the stairs. though he was gone and she wanted to cry in the comfort of her own room, she took his advice and decided to do some homework to pass time. she was really behind but she was excused in a few things like gym of course. she still had her english essay though.

she remembered the point of the assignment. she had to write about what drives her.

she knew exactly what drove her but she couldn't admit it. dallas made her to vulnerable on the inside and the outside without even dating. he was the first person that came to her mind when thanking about what to write the first time the essay was assigned even though she hated him. he still drove her.

drove her crazy, drove her to show him she's strong, she's smart, and to be excited to see what he'd do when her and the gang would hang out.

god dallas what are you doing to me.

she grabbed her yellow notebook beside her and opened it to a clean and empty page and began to write. the only person who'd see it was her english teacher right?

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