[19; just feels right]

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With all the buzz and excitement from the Sports Festival, it only seemed fair to allow the students the next few days off to get back to reality.

The truth was that even now, with yesterday's events behind you, it still felt like you were in that stadium; the audience's cheers would continue to echo in your ears. You remembered your loss, as frustrating as it was, and you also remembered the loss of your soulmate—including the whole mess that had followed. It really had been a day to remember; one that you were sure would hold steadfast in your memory, but you'd be lying if you said that the Sports Festival itself was the most memorable part of the day. After all—

"I liked it when you kissed me."

You felt silly clasping your palms up against your cheeks and getting giddy as you replayed his words, but you just couldn't help it. Those had been the last words Katsuki had spoken to you—before you'd been instructed to board the bus and the two of you had sat apart from each other out of sheer embarrassment. Granted, you also knew that he was definitely still upset with the way his "victory" had played out, but you liked to think that your time with him had helped, even if only a little.

Things just finally felt...right between the two of you. It had taken some time to get to this point, but you actually felt excited about the way your relationship was progressing, and you found yourself wanting to see him more and more.

"Honey? What's wrong?" your mother frowned, spooning your breakfast into your plate. "You're biting your lip again."

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing. I was just remembering some things...."

"Ah," she smiled. "About the Sports Festival, I presume?"

You flushed. "Well, kinda."

She nodded her head, a small smile playing at her lips. You'd mentioned to her about finding out about your soulmate very briefly, but your parents were generally pretty good with respecting your privacy—they knew when not to push you, or pry too far. It was clear that they were dying to see what kind of person your fated one was, but it would all come in time; one day, you were sure you'd bring Katsuki home with a bright smile and introduce him to your family.

"Alright, then." Your mother patted down her skirt, picking up a napkin to blot her lipstick. "I need to head to work now. You be good today, alright? You've earned a break, so if you want to go out with your friends, just make sure to check that you've locked the door and turned off all the lights. And send me a message if you plan on staying out late, okay?"

"Okay," you smiled. "I'll do that. Bye, mom."

"Bye, sweetie. Try to take it easy for now, alright? I love you."

You could hear her shuffling towards the front, and the dull clicking of her heels across hardwood floors as she slipped on her work shoes. Scarcely two minutes later, the door opened and shut; in one fell sweep. You were left alone to chew on your breakfast at a leisurely pace.

Your phone buzzed while you were in the middle of your next spoonful, and you nearly spewed our your bite from how loud the vibration was. You hastily wiped your mouth with a napkin, then reached out to swipe your screen open. It was probably just Uraraka wondering if you were free the rest of the day; maybe she'd invite Izuku and Iida to come along as well.

Or not—?


[8:45 am]

Yo. What are you doing today? I'm annoyed as hell and my shitty parents are just pissing me off even more. Let's meet up.

You blinked slowly, having to read over the message a few times just to get a handle on the situation. Sure, you remembered giving your number to him—during class sometime, in passing. He'd never actually messaged you before though, and you'd been far too nervous to ever try and text him first. And now this. It wasn't even really a request; more so a demand, but he was basically saying that he wanted to see you. So for the first time, he was actually going out of his way to try and spend time with you.

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