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Several years later.

You stared down at the muddled toilet bowl, eyes flitting over the remnants that you'd just purged. It had been going on for a little while now, this persistent nausea. Normally, you weren't one to make much of a fuss over these things, but it was starting to interfere with daily life, and plans...

"I'm too busy to be coming down with something," you thought grimly, flushing the water down one last time and rinsing yourself off in the sink. When you made your way back to your table, Uraraka was staring at you with her brows pulled into a knot.

"What happened?" she asked. "You look so pale..."

You sat down and let out a sigh. "I threw up."


"Yeah. I've been feeling really off these days."

"That's not good," she frowned. "Why haven't you gone to a doctor yet?"

"Well, you know how it is." You forced a weak smile. "We've been really busy, planning the wedding and all. Plus, Katsuki's super swamped with hero duties. Too much has been going on around the house."

"Your health takes precedence."

"I know, but—"

"No buts!" Uraraka silenced, wagging her fork in your direction. "You're going to the doctor today, whether you like it or not!"

"Alright, alright."

You knew better to protest. Maybe you were just overworked, and your eating schedule had been awfully erratic as well. It could easily just be a build-up of nerves and stress.

"Here's your fruit tart," the waitress smiled, dropping it off at your seat just as you were in the process of downing another gulp of water. Brightly-colored berries stared up at you from underneath a heaping of whipped cream. Uraraka was practically drooling.

"Yummy," she grinned. "It looks so good."

You smiled. "Yeah. Your order's not up yet, right? I'll wait for you."

"Oh, don't mind me!" she ushered. "Go ahead, go ahead! I might end up having a bite if you tempt me too much though, haha."

Admittedly, it did look good, and you'd skipped breakfast yet again so you couldn't wait much longer. Armed with a spoon, you scooped up the uppermost layer, making sure to get ample chunks of fruit. You brought the creamy bite to your lips, and...


"Oh, god."

Your spoon clattered to the plate. Uraraka's brows had rocketed upwards. She watched you bring your napkin to your mouth and spit out the little that you'd ingested. You tried to chug your glass of water in the hopes of removing the foul taste that had settled upon your tongue, but it just wouldn't clear. With every passing second, you felt your stomach churn more and more.

"I'm gonna throw up again."

"What?!" Uraraka exclaimed. "But you just... what was wrong with it? Could the fruits have maybe been spoiled, or—?"

You didn't even get to hear the last of her sentence, because you'd already rushed out of your seat and bolted for the nearest trashcan. Even though you hadn't been awfully keen on your table being so close to the front, you sure were thankful for it now.

"Miss?" one of the servers called, not quite sure to approach you as you spewed your guts into the trash. "Are you alright? Should I call somebody...?"

"She's fine!" Uraraka reassured, scrambling to your side immediately. You felt her fingers comb through strands of your hair and pull it out of your face. "She's just been feeling really sick these days. Um, some extra napkins or paper towels would be nice, though."

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