[3; not what I wanted]

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A/N: envision the reader's costume as being flowy and white, easy to move around in but still dress-like


Aizawa ran a hand through his disheveled hair. "Oh, about that expulsion thing—it was a lie."


Your class let out a series of squeals and other garbled noises at your teacher's reveal. Uraraka had pressed her palms up against her rosy cheeks; Izuku was practically on the verge of passing out. And just as well, too—if it had been for real, he would have been expelled for placing last.

You couldn't quite wrap your head around why he got injured so severely after using his Quirk, but you figured that everyone had their own share of troubles. And speaking of troubles, you still hadn't recovered from your earlier realization. Bakugou was off in his own world right now, having been restrained by Aizawa shortly after his attempted assault on Izuku, but the words he'd spoken were still ringing through your mind.

"Get in my way, and I'll fucking kill you."

The writing etched into your skin from birth had been throbbing ever since he'd uttered his first sentence to you. It was a hot, searing pain; the likes of which made your flesh sting and feel as though you'd been pricked by a thousand needles. And honestly, you could deal with the pain. Something like that, you could handle. What you couldn't handle was knowing that the person you were destined to spend your life with was someone who couldn't have been farther from what you wanted.

"[Name]-chan, you okay?" Uraraka prodded, having picked up on your gloominess. "You've been pretty quiet for the last while..."

"Oh." You straightened up in a hurry, forcing a smile. "I'm fine. Don't worry, Uraraka-chan. This whole apprehension test just took me by surprise, so I'm feeling a little more worn out than I expected."

She interlinked her arm with your own, grinning up to her ears. "In that case, I guess it's time to get changed and head on home for a nice rest!"

"Yeah. You're right."

Uraraka led you along in the direction of the changerooms, but you couldn't help spare one last glance towards the ash blonde. He was standing in place, much like before, as stiff as a statue and with eyes wide as saucers.

You didn't think it was possible, but his expression bore even more malice than before.

"Ugh...that was a long day," you muttered, finally having changed back into your uniform. You were dragging your feet listlessly through the halls, but still needed to stop by your locker to pick up the last of your belongings. Uraraka had gone ahead with Iida and Izuku, but they'd promised to wait for you outside.

You groaned.

I can't wait to take a bath. I still feel so sweaty from earlier.

Begrudgingly moving along, you opened up your locker and began rummaging through it for the books you'd left behind earlier. You fiddled with the zipper of your bag, opening it up and dumping the extra contents in one swift, fluid motion.

You were about to leave when you heard an abrupt slam.


It had been so loud and startling that you'd inadvertently let out a small squeal. When you tilted your head back to look at the source, you found a pair of narrowed, crimson orbs staring straight into your own. You stiffened almost immediately, watching as Bakugou sorted out the last of his stuff and prepared to be on his way. Unfortunately, he must've noticed that you were looking back at him through widened eyes, and scowled.

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