[18; with affection]

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The finals were about to begin, and for various reasons, you were a nervous wreck.

Sure, the fact that Katsuki was facing off against the other strongest member of the class was a bit worrisome, but you had faith in his strength. He wasn't the type to ever admit defeat; hell, you were convinced he'd sooner die than ever say those words. That was a problem in itself, plus there there was also the fact that you'd kissed him earlier, and you still felt like a total moron for doing it.

You didn't really know what you'd been expecting, but you realized that some part of you was hoping that he would've been happy, not just stunned and at a loss for words. Then again, maybe you were asking for too much. It had barely been a peck on the cheek, but even still—

I'm so damn embarrassed over it.

"What's wrong?" Uraraka frowned. "I feel like I've been saying this a lot today, but...you've sure been looking real out of it."

You chuckled awkwardly. "Uh, no, I'm just feeling a bit nervous—Katsuki-kun's about to fight, after all. I know he probably doesn't need me to worry about him, but the anticipation's really killing me..."

"You look more than just nervous, though. Something else is up, I'm sure of it."

"N-no. There's nothing going on, I swear."

For probably the millionth time that day, your best friend let out a lofty sigh. She could tell that it had something to do with Katsuki, that much you were sure of, but she was a good friend and knew when to respect your privacy. You'd never kept anything from her before though, so you imagined how this situation must've been a little frustrating. It was frustrating for everyone, really. What would your life had been like if your soulmate was someone else?

Less stressful, probably.

You chuckled inwardly, giving a slow shake of your head. By now you knew better than to try and refute your situation. He was your soulmate—end of discussion. You could take it or leave it, and if things kept progressing the way they had been, things would be just fine.

Everything would be fine, right?

"...And now for the finals!!"

Already, Present Mic had begun with the start-of-the-match announcements. You felt your chest tighten as you saw Katsuki stepping out onto the arena from his respective side. Todoroki was coming in from the other, and before long, the two soon-to-be competitors were staring each other down from opposite ends of the ring. You were seated god-knows how many yards away, and you could still feel the tension between the two of them.

Katsuki was glaring like usual, while Todoroki's expression was vacant at best. He was incredibly hard to read; you wondered if he even got nervous at all, or if his emotions were really so nonexistent. If you'd made it to the finals, you were sure you would've been shaking in your boots right about then.

"[Name]-chan, you're cheering for Kacchan, right...?" Izuku spared you a timid glance, to which you slowly bobbed your head in response.

"Well...yeah," you mumbled. "He's been talking about taking first ever since the opening ceremony. It'd be a shame if he didn't get to after all the work he put in."

Your friends exchanged a few looks among one another before smiling. Your cheeks flushed instinctively.

"W-what is it?" you asked.

"Hmm, nothing," Uraraka grinned. "You just seem really different whenever you talk about him now. This must be what they mean by the aura of a maiden in love!"

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