[23; abatement]

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"Internships are starting, huh?"


"Exciting, right?"


"You're being kinda weird, aren't you?"

"Mm—wait, what?"

Uraraka let out a weary sigh, slumping her shoulders. The week of internships had just begun; currently, your class was making its way over towards the train station with equipment in tow. It was inevitable that you would each be going your separate ways, but Aizawa was chaperoning you until the starting point. Every now and then, you would steal a glance towards Katsuki, feeling your bottom lip quiver when you recalled your ever-present dilemma. You were very much out of it—so much so that you'd been completely zoning out your best friend.

"C'mon," Uraraka prodded, "Something's up. Why won't you tell me what's bothering you? It feels like ever since you found out who your soulmate was, you've been icing me out..."

You swallowed thickly. What she was saying was true, but even so, how could you bring up what was happening to you? It's not like she would understand; she had no way of possibly understanding. Besides, what were you supposed to say?

"Oh it's nothing, I just found out that my soulmate mark is fading awayand there's a chance it could kill me."

...Yeah, right. You'd sooner take this secret to the grave than tell Uraraka and turn her into a weeping, anxious mess. She was serious about becoming a hero, and you didn't need to distract her with your drama. Not now. Not until after internships were over.

"Sorry," you mumbled. "I know it feels like I've been a bit secretive and distant, but I guess I'm just really stressed about everything that's going on. I keep overthinking this whole soulmate thing...it's keeping me from focusing on school, too. It's hard to explain, and I just feel like I would end up annoying you if I talk about it."

"What? Of course not!" Uraraka spluttered, teetering backwards to place a hand on your shoulder. "[Name]-chan, you can tell me anything—no matter what's on your mind, I promise I'll hear you out. You would never annoy me. If something's bothering you, I want you to tell me about it. I want to help," she smiled. "So you don't need to worry about that, okay?"

Your stomach began to churn. The guilt alone made you want to smack yourself.

"Yeah. You're right. I'll come to you if something's up."

The brunette flashed you a blinding smile, cheeks rosier than ever. Seemingly satisfied with your explanation, she pranced along behind her classmates and Aizawa. You hung your head and sighed, inadvertently glancing over towards Katsuki.

You flinched. He was staring right back at you.

Katsuki stuck his tongue out at you, and then moved his lips to mouth "Smile, moron."

Your chest hurt, but you smiled nonetheless.

"I read over your student profile, and you mentioned wanting to become a healer, correct?"

You bobbed your head in response. The silver-haired lady before you—a heroine by the name of Lotus—was who you'd chosen to intern for. She was a relatively new pro hero, who tended to stay out of the spotlight, but you liked the aura she gave off. Not only did she dabble in healing and surveillance ops, but she sort of reminded you of yourself; subdued and gentle.

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