[39; burn bright]

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"I want to have a sleepover with my boyfriend tonight."

Your mom practically spit out her drink. "E-excuse me...?"

"I said, I would like to have a sleep—"

"No, no, I heard you the first time! I just, umm..." She nibbled on her bottom lip. "Isn't it...too early for you guys to be doing things like that...?"

You blinked once, perplexed. It didn't take long for you to realize what she meant by 'things', and soon enough, you were flushed a deep crimson.

"T-that's not why I want him to sleepover," you stammered. "I don't plan on doing anything inappropriate, it's just...tomorrow's the day we leave for the training lodge, and I wanted us to be able to spend a bit more time together before we're with the rest of the class. Waking up and leaving together would be nice, too..."

You imagined you looked pretty ditzy and foolish right now. Certainly, there was nothing preventing your mother from rejecting your absurd request right then and there. But maybe it was because you seemed to be in such a trance, with palms pressing up against your flushed cheeks and eyes that were practically sparkling. You couldn't be sure of anything, but you noticed the way your mother's expression softened.

"I see. You must really like this boy, huh?"

"I-I mean—" You cast your head down, fiddling with the sleeve of your shirt. Even your ears were red. "Yes...I like him...a-a lot. So I just thought it'd be nice if we could do this together."

Your mom hummed in understanding. She ran her fingernails across the counter-top in evaluation. Her lips curled into a smile.

"Well...your father is away on a business trip right now, so I suppose I'm the one who has the authority to make such decisions."

Your eyes widened. "So, then—?!"

"I'll allow it," she chuckled, "just because you look so happy these days. I know your date went really well, too. Can't recall the last time I saw you in such high-spirits."

"Thank you, mom! Thank you so much!" In a second, you'd flung your arms around your mom and were squeezing the very life out of her. You felt her muss your hair and chuckle.

"But," she began, "there are some things we need to discuss before I can allow it. For safety precautions."

"O-oh. Yeah, of course. What would that be?"

She cleared her throat, awkwardly glancing around the room. "I'm sure you must already know about this, but as your mother, it's my duty to ensure that you are well-educated in the matter."

Your stomach churned. Oh, boy. Here it was, the discussion that every teenager dreaded.

"I-I just want you to know that there are a lot of contraceptive methods to ensure that you don't—"


"I can run to the store to buy condoms if you need—"


You'd suffered through a rather grueling sex-ed crash course with your mother, so you hoped to god that Katsuki would even agree to the sleepover. Otherwise all of your suffering had been for naught.

His phone rang a few times, but you eventually heard him pick up from the other end. "Hello?"

"Hi, Katsuki-kun!" Your voice came out sounding a lot more high-pitched and eager than you'd been expecting, but you just couldn't help it. You really were excited. "You're free tonight, right? Not going anywhere?"

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