[53; interwoven]

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a/n: this chapter will contain an explicit scene. i will mark off where the NSFW content starts, so that those of you who don't feel comfortable reading it won't have to. the scene won't impact the plot at all, so you can skip it and still enjoy the rest of the story. happy readings! 


The writing on your hip still had yet to come in.

Following its initial apparition, you'd been whisked away for Recovery Girl to give you a full assessment. Much like always, she'd reported that your health was fine, and there were no symptoms that were cause for concern. The smudged patch remained on your hip, relatively unchanged, still illegible to the naked eye.

You tried to force it to the back of your mind, reminding yourself that you and Katsuki had both been through hell time and time again, and nothing was going to get in your way anymore. That, coupled with his faint smiles and reassuring words, made you feel at ease, and you were able to shift your focus onto other matters.

Such as the provisional license exam.

You'd been preparing for weeks on end, honing your abilities and trying to brainstorm new fighting-styles that would be better suited for your Quirk. He was several steps ahead of you—and everyone else, really—having already managed to refine his explosions and produce more specific, targeted attacks. You weren't all that surprised. You were actually quite proud, even though his strength wasn't yours, it somehow made you feel fulfilled all the same.

Katsuki was strong. He'd always been strong. Even meeting him, that very first day, when he'd uttered those hateful words, you'd known that much. He was strong, and driven—more so than anyone else you'd ever come across.

Which is why it came as a shock that he didn't pass.

[Last Name][Name].

You stared up at the electronic board, a relieved sigh slipping from your lips. It was there. Your name was there, as in you'd actually passed.

For a moment, you were too overcome with emotion and melting nerves that you didn't even think to glance towards your side. But then you did, and your heart dropped at the sight of Katsuki's frantic widened eyes, scanning the screen over and over again.

"Where the fuck is it?" he rasped, and you swore you could hear his heart pounding even from afar. "It's not... there..."

Kirishima stiffened from beside him. "Dude... I'm so sorry."

"There must be a mistake," you tried, forcing a hurried smile. "Let's look again—"

"It ain't there. You don't have to pretend for me."

You slumped your shoulders. He'd done so great during the first portion of the exam, even cooperating with Kirishima and Kaminari to fend off one of Shiketsu's students. He would've aced the fighting portion, that much you were sure of. It was the second half—the rescuing—that had done him in.

Granted, you hadn't expected for him to shine there; he was snapping at the HUC employees a lot, and being his usual grumpy self, but you thought maybe they'd look past that. You were hoping they'd realize how much potential he had, brash remarks or not.

"It's okay, Katsuki-kun." You smiled again, hooking an arm around his. "This can't have been the only chance to take the licensing exam, I'm sure of it. You'll definitely get another try soon."

If it were you, then you were sure you'd have been dejected and mopey right about now. Not Katsuki. It wasn't his brand, it just wasn't who he was. Even though he'd failed, the fire blazing in his crimson eyes told you that the fight was far from over.

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