[54; if it's meant to be]

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It wasn't the first time you'd awoken by Katsuki's side, but it still made your chest squeeze all the same.

Sunlight trickled in through the blinds, illuminating his peaceful sleeping expression. Every now and then you could hear a soft, gentle snore, proof that he was resting soundly. You felt yourself smile, and then you shivered, realizing that Katsuki's body heat and the messily strewn blanket were the only things provided your unclothed frame with any warmth. Your chest was pressed flush against his own; from this close, you could feel the rhythmic beating of his heart as it drummed in tune with yours.

You inhaled softly and began pulling away, careful not to make too much noise and wake him up. There wasn't much you had planned for today, but the sun seemed to be shining a fair amount, so you figured you might go out for a bit, just for a change of pace. There'd been so much training lately, you were in the mood to take a leisurely stroll and maybe browse for some new clothes.

Speaking of clothes, you flushed inwardly when you spied your uniform, thrown onto the floor in a messy pile. Memories of the evening prior flitted before your eyes. A blush rippled down your spine.


There was movement in the bed, and you looked back over your shoulder to see that Katsuki was in the process of squinting his eyes open. He let out a soft groan, propping himself up by his elbows.

"G-Good morning," you smiled, realizing all too late that you were still very much naked. After last night, he was certainly no stranger to your body, but you couldn't help but still feel a bit flustered.

 "Morning, babe." Katsuki yawned loudly, lips eventually pulling up into a smile. "I'm so damn lucky, getting to wake up to you first thing."

You blushed deeply. More and more images were resurfacing now, making your heart race. You began to step off the bed to collect your uniform, but a hand jerked you backwards. You squealed as Katsuki wrapped his arms around your waist and squeezed you tight.

"I have to get dressed," you protested, feeling your embarrassment creep up on you again. Katsuki chuckled into your ear, one of his hands wandering down to squeeze the plush of your thigh.

"You don't have to do anything. We've got today off. Stay in bed longer."

"I know, but I was going to—"

You let out another squeal as Katsuki flipped you over onto your back and pinned you down against the mattress. He grinned shrewdly, crimson eyes raking over your frame. The pink dusting his cheeks and his expression said it all.

"W-We're not doing that again," you huffed out.

"Awe," he sighed, visibly disappointed, "why not?"

"Because we just did it last night!"

"So? There's no rule that says we can only do it once."

"You know what I mean...! It's too soon, and I gotta go—!"

He chuckled again and brought his lips to your own. You half-pouted, wanting to protest but already sinking back into the kiss. It was easy to tell that he was stalling, and even though being snuggled up against him like this was awfully inviting, you knew it couldn't go on forever.

"Okay, okay," you mumbled, lightly pushing his body off. "I really want to get dressed now, Katsuki-kun. We can't stay in bed all morning. Aren't you the one who always calls me lazy whenever I sleep in?"

He laughed, amused. "You're not going anywhere."

"Am, too."

"Are not."

Speak (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя