[9; the desire to know more]

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Following the attack at USJ, campus was closed the day after, both in order to allow the students to recuperate and to take the safety measures required. It was just as well, since the whole incident had been frightening enough—even now, the image of Aizawa's battered and bloodied body was distinctly imprinted into your memories. You'd been told that the teachers would be alright, but it still was very worrisome. On top of that, Izuku had been injured pretty gravely as well.

"He's always getting himself hurt," Uraraka sighed, slinging her head back on the couch. "I was worried sick when I found out. [Name]-chan, you really need to stay close to him at all times; at the very least, you could heal him a bit if he ever gets into a tough spot."

The two of you were currently lounging about at your house, taking advantage of the day off. You'd mostly just been killing time and watching goofy movies, but her words made you pause the TV and flash her a smile.

"Worried about your boyfriend?" you teased.

"Wha—?! N-no! Of course not!" Uraraka flailed her arms in protest, despite the fact that her rosy cheeks were even more flushed than usual. "Deku-kun's just a friend, seriously...aren't you the one with a soulmate? Shouldn't I be asking about him instead?"

You shrugged. "There's not really much to tell. At the very least, I don't think we dislike each other anymore, but we still don't really talk much. He seems really stubborn and closed-off, so it might take a bit of time for us to get comfortable around each other."

"But you're not upset about it anymore, right? I remember you told me you weren't very happy when you found out who it was..."

"Nah, it's fine." You reached over towards the coffee table to grab a cookie and crack it between your lips. "S'all good now," you replied, mouth half-stuffed. "I'm willing to be patient."

Uraraka smiled. "Well, if you say so, I'll take your word for it. Hey, you wanna maybe go out someplace? Like a café or an arcade? Just think it'd be nice if we left the house for a little bit."

"Oh, sure. That's a good idea—lemme just find my coat."

You bid a quick goodbye to your mother, who'd taken the day off to be with you since she was worried sick about the recent attack, and the two of you were on your way in no time. Uraraka happily interlocked her arm with yours while you bounded down the streets, giggling for no reason at all besides being happy to share in the other's company. Before long, you'd reached the shopping district you'd been headed for.

"Ooh!" Uraraka squealed, tugging you back to point off in the distance. "Lookie there, [Name]-chan. They finally opened up that new pastry shop! Wanna go??"

You grinned. "Like you even need to ask."

She beamed back at you and bounced off towards the store; mere moments before she halted in place. You frowned, trying to understand why she'd stopped, but then you caught sight of the spiky-haired blonde that you'd nearly bumped into.

You flushed without realizing it.

"Oh. Hey...Katsuki-kun. Fancy running into you here."

Katsuki probably hadn't taken note of the two of you until you actually called out to him, and he stopped mid-stride to find you gazing up at him with one arm wrapped around Uraraka's own. He glanced in the brunette's direction for a scarce second before he looked over at you.

"Hey," was all he said, in that nonchalant tone he always assumed whenever he wasn't angry. You felt a bit disappointed, since you were hoping for a somewhat more cheerful greeting, but just running into him was already lucky enough.

Speak (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें