[51; don't leave me]

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You'd never been more scared in your entire life.

Tears streamed down your cheeks, seemingly endless in their plight. Your chest was heaving spasmodically; it felt like you'd forgotten how to breathe. The faint flicker of the lamp on your nightstand cast shadows across the room.

You blinked once, then twice. All you could see was white.


You needed to see him right now, to hear him, to touch him, to feel his presence. To know that he was still here, the way he'd always been. To know that he hadn't left you.

A hot, searing pain had surged all throughout your body. You weren't able to form clear, lucid thoughts, but luckily, your body acted from muscle-memory alone. Before you could take another shallow, staggering breath, you were already gripping at your doorknob with cold, quivering fingers. The halls were dark, but your feet led you forward. Katsuki's room was on the uppermost floor, just like your own. Down the hallway, turn left at the bend, cross over to the opposite side.

You were hovering in front of his door now, tears sliding down your temples and slinking off your chin. Your chest, your head, your heart—everything hurt so fucking much. The breaths escaping your lips sounded more like frantic gasps now than anything else.

The first knock was tentative, and quiet. "Katsuki-kun?" you called.

No answer.

The ones that followed became frenzied, and your knuckles barely made contact against the door with how hurriedly you were shaking your fist. By now, your vision should've adjusted to the dark somewhat, but all you saw was black. Black, mixed in with the specks of white flitting before your eyelids.

Once again, no answer.

You staggered forward, feeling nauseous and faint all at once. Your knuckles hit the door again; a single, clunky blow that was dead before it even connected. Your breathing had transitioned to hyperventilation now, voice a strangled, choked-out mess.

"Katsuki-kun," you sobbed, knocking limply at the door over and over again. "Please... please answer. I'm begging you..."

Not a single sound from inside the room. He wasn't that deep of a sleeper. Your dream kept replaying in your mind, and god—you just couldn't bear it any longer.


You wailed out at the top of your lungs, uncaring as to who heard you and who you awoke. Your teeth clenched together, and you sucked in a breath of air, holding it in your lungs until it felt as though they would burst. The tears kept pouring down your face, but you paid them no heed. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered right now except him, so why wasn't he answering...?!

"Answer me!" you cried out. "I'm not going anywhere until you open this door! Answer me, answer me, please just—"


A voice, but not the one you'd been so desperate to hear. The door to the room besides Katsuki's had just opened a crack, with Kirshima's groggy, half-lidded eyes staring back at you.

"What's happening?" he asked, stepping outside his room. Once he saw the tears flooding down your cheeks, his entire expression went rigid. "A-Are you okay? What happened? Why are you crying?"

You resumed knocking on Katsuki's door, ignoring the redhead altogether.

"Open up, open up, open up...!"

"[Name]-chan, seriously, what's happening—"


Kirishima's eyes widened, but you were outright wailing like a wounded animal now. He tried to grab you by the shoulders, but you elbowed him off and continued pounding at the door. You were nothing more than a broken record player, and your knuckles were swollen and raw, but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered. If Katsuki wasn't with you, nothing mattered anymore.

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