[49; at least he's trying]

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"Monoma-kun, how's your training going so far? Did you manage to come up with any special moves?"

He scoffed. "Assuming I had, do you really think I'd let a miserable Class-A student such as yourself in on my progress??"

"I'm not a 'miserable Class-A student', I'm probably one of the closest friends you have."


"No, it's really not all that hard to believe, given how much you turn people off."

"What was that?!"

You chuckled softly. It was lunch-time, and normally you would've been eating alongside Katsuki and Kirishima, or Uraraka and them, but you already got to see your classmates plenty because of the dorms, and you figured a proper chat with your pretentious blonde friend was long overdue.

"Katsuki-kun's doing great," you mumbled between bites—something that made Monoma scrunch up his nose in disgust. "Well, I guess that's to be expected, though. He's always been a quick learner. Actually, the more time I spend around him, I start to wonder if there's anything he isn't good at..."

Monoma rolled his eyes. "I have no interest in hearing you brag about your boyfriend."

"Huh? I-I wasn't bragging, or anything..."

"You were," he sighed. "Every time you bring him up, your eyes light up and you get this goofy grin on your face. As if you're trying to keep from smiling fully. It's not very lady-like, [Name]."

You puffed out your cheeks, Monoma merely flashing you his trademark conceited smirk in return. You eyed the pudding cup near the edge of your lunch tray and very carefully loaded a bit into your spoon, angled it backwards, and flung it straight towards the unsuspecting male. It settled into the silky strands of his blonde hair. Monoma blinked in confusion, patting at the top of his head and feeling gelatin upon his fingers.

"[Name]!" he shrieked. "What on earth are you doing, you barbarian?!"

You stuck out your tongue. "That was for making fun of me."

"What is wrong with you?! How would you like it if I started chucking food your way?!"

He reached for the edge of his tray, gritting his teeth as if daring you to press him any further. You loaded up your spoon with a piping-hot portion of curry this time—a much more dangerous form of ammunition.

"...what in the fuck are you two morons doing?"

You and Monoma both glanced to the side in unison, only to find Katsuki hovering by the table and looking remarkably unimpressed. Well, that much made sense. You were holding your curry-spoon like a catapult, after all.

"Nothing," you and your friend replied in tandem. You set down your cutlery and smiled. "Come eat with us, Katsuki-kun."

"Hell no."

This time, it was Monoma and Katsuki who'd echoed one another. The blondes glared each other down; your boyfriend bearing a snarl, and the other turning up his nose as if he'd smelled something rotten.

"Tell this guy to screw off," Katsuki snapped. "What happened to us eating together? The hell are you disappearing for without even texting me?"

Monoma smirked. "Oh-ho? I'm sorry, Bakugou... could you please repeat that? It's almost as if you were implying that [Name] needs your permission to do what she wants..."

"The fuck was that?!"

"Can both of you please calm down," you sighed. "Katsuki-kun—I just wanted to eat with him because I can see you and the others all the time at the dorms. I figured I should use lunch-time to meet with my other friends, too."

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