[56; his words]

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"They got into a fight?!"

"What the actual hell."

"Apparently, they're under house arrest."

"Are they stupid?!"

"Must be."


The following morning, such were the exasperated cries of your fellow students. You'd already known from the night before, of course, but Katsuki had stayed true to his word and fought Izuku one-on-one. He'd urged you not to get involved so as to not take any of the blame, but you'd been up pretty much all night, tossing and turning in bed. He'd finally sent you a message near two o'clock in the morning, and told you that he'd amassed a four-day suspension after being caught. It definitely wasn't ideal, but after the whole rescuing fiasco, you were just glad Aizawa hadn't threatened either of them with expulsion again.

Katsuki and Izuku had both been assigned to cleaning duty as penalty for their actions. You'd already been told this, too, but waking up in the morning to see your boyfriend vacuuming while muttering under his breath was still a sight to behold. He had bandages and bruises all over, but they didn't like too severe, much to your relief. He seemed his regular, hotheaded self.

"Morning, Katsuki-kun." You walked up to him with a smile, adjusting the tie of your uniform. "How's the cleaning going?"

He scoffed. "Shitty, how else?"

"It looks like you're doing a pretty good job, though."

"Bite me, [Name]."

You laughed it off. He was all pouty and indignant, it was super cute. And maybe you were imagining it, but the dynamic between him and Izuku... it seemed a bit more stable. As if the flames had died down somewhat.

"Umm... [Name]-chan?" Izuku mumbled, working his way over to you. He glanced in all directions before lowering his voice. "I heard from Kacchan that you, well... you know. About everything, I mean."


So he told them.

"Yeah, I know," you affirmed, "but I don't intend to breathe a word about it to anyone else. Katsuki-kun trusted me with this, so I intend to respect it. You too, of course."

He managed a shaky smile. "Yeah, I figured. I'm the one to blame by spilling the beans in the first place. If I hadn't done that, then maybe Kacchan wouldn't have found out. But still... it sort of feels right this way. Now that I'm not the only one keeping this secret, it feels like a weight's been lifted off my shoulders. I'm pretty selfish, aren't I?"

"You're not selfish at all. Just trust in us, Izuku-kun."

The freckled boy boisterously nodded his head, flashed you another smile, then resumed dragging his vacuum across the floor. Katsuki was furrowing his brows at you from over his shoulder. You cocked a brow.


"Stop talking to that asshole," he glowered. "You tryna piss me off?"

"Hm, maybe?"


Another laugh fell from your lips. "Alright, Katsuki-kun. I gotta go now." You fixed the creases in your skirt and leaned in to give him a quick peck on his cheek. He flushed for a moment, turning away with a hurried scowl. You began trickling out with the rest of your classmates, waving your boyfriend off. "I'll tell you what we covered during the opening ceremony, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah."

He scowled again, but you didn't miss the few words he spoke to Izuku just as you headed out the door.

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