[37; starting over]

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Maybe it was because you weren't one to get injured often, and you certainly didn't have Izuku's history of requiring Recovery Girl's healing, but for whatever reason, you were surprised to find that all your injuries had practically disappeared by the time you came to. Your head felt a bit heavy; almost as if you'd taken a nap for too long, but other than that, you were fine.

You hesitantly rubbed at your left shoulder—it had healed back into place, and wasn't as sensitive to the touch as you'd expected. Your eyes trailed around the room. Katsuki was lying down in the infirmary bed just beside your own. His eyes were still closed, but you heaved a sigh of relief. He'd regained color in his cheeks and was looking much better than before.

"He should be up soon," a voice called out. You blinked, not even having spotted Recovery Girl huddled in the corner of the room. She smiled gently. "Don't worry, my dear. He's almost good as new."

You nodded hastily. "T-thank you. Seriously, I can't thank you enough."

"Nothing to thank me for. Although I had to reprimand Toshinori for going so hard on you three." She let out a huff, shaking her head despondently. "I swear, that man doesn't know the meaning of holding back. If you're wondering about Midoriya, he walked out not too long ago after I treated him. He's always getting himself hurt," she sighed, "so I suppose he's used to the pain by now. Not that it's a good thing."

"Yeah," you chuckled, "I guess we were all a little desperate this time around."

She smiled again, then fell silent. You noticed her eyes flickering towards your hip, though you could tell she was holding back the urge to ask about your mark. You brushed your hair back, eyes softening.

"It's still fading," you mumbled, "but I'm okay. I'll figure things out as I go. We will, I mean."


Recovery Girl glanced back towards Katsuki, who was snoring peacefully on the bed. It was such a rare sight to see him with his brows un-furrowed and expression relaxed. He looked so angelic and sweet; you just wanted to curl up beside him and stroke his hair.

"Well, if you kids have figured out what you want to do, then I'm happy for the both of you." She smiled at the sound of Katsuki shifting slightly in bed, rising to her feet and shuffling towards the door to leave you two alone. "He may still be a little tired and disoriented at first, but I'm sure he'll be glad you waited for him to wake up."

The door clicked behind her, and you hummed in affirmation, steadying yourself forward on the edge of the bed to get a closer view at Katsuki's pure, sleeping face. You felt a bit shameless watching him so intently, but you just couldn't help yourself. You were probably one of the few people who'd gotten the chance to see him like this.


Katsuki shifted across the bedsheets again, this time letting out a low, rumbling noise from the back of his throat. You held your breath, not wanting to wake him. A few moments later, his crimson eyes had opened slightly.

He studied you for a bit, no doubt taking a second to get accustomed to the image before him. You didn't say anything, not until he'd propped himself upright and slumped his back against the wall.

"Hey, Katsuki-kun." You smiled gently, taking a seat on the edge of his bed. "How are you feeling?"

Katsuki blinked groggily, eyelids heavy. "I'm fine."

"It doesn't hurt anymore?"

"Not really."

"That's good," you sighed. "I was worried, you know? You can be pretty reckless sometimes."

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