xv. pain

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MARGOT WAS SURE SASHA WOULD DISLOCATE HER ARM if she didn't loosen her grip. The hyperactive girl was pulling Margot along to the dining hall, all the whole catching her up on everything she had missed. Needless to say, Margot was overwhelmed. After all, she had found out only days ago that she had witch blood. She hadn't even opened the books she had been given yet, needing time to adjust and come to terms with everything.

   "- They're planning on doing checks on everyone's gear, trying to find out who might have tampered with it," Sasha said, finally letting go of Margot's arm as they reached the entrance of the hall. "Oh my god, did I hurt you? I'm such an idiot! Forgive me, Gogo!" Sasha gripped Margot's arms, looking as if she was on the verge of tears.

   "You didn't hurt me," Margot told the girl, smiling and chuckling lightly as she ruffled Sasha's hair. She was mentally tired, and it wasn't the best time to see her friends, but she was already there and couldn't turn back now. "Come on, let's get something to eat."

Sasha seemed to be brought back to her usual self at the mention of food, and practically kicked the door down, pulling Margot over to a table occupied by Connie, Jean, Mikasa and Armin.

   "Look who I found!" Sasha exclaimed, sitting down across from Mikasa and Armin and settling next to Jean, Connie to the right of Margot.

   "Margot! How are you feeling?" Armin asked, concern in his voice. He had visited her twice, both occasions accompanied by Eren. As usual, he talked to her about the ocean and possible life outside of the walls - as requested by her. She liked hearing him talk about it.

   "Shit," Margot answered with a laugh. "But I'll manage. At least I'm excused from training for a little while."

   "Lazy bastard," Jean joked, ruffling her hair and pulling her close. He still wasn't his usual self, and truthfully, neither was she. The loss of Marco and her near-death experience had wounded them both. She figured he would be keeping a close eye on her for a while.

Connie slid some food over to her, and Margot thanked him, starting to eat immediately. She was hungry and had stupidly skipped breakfast that morning. She didn't care how animalistic she looked as she ate, and only partially listened to the conversations around her.

   "I heard Eren was visiting you every day," Connie teased, throwing his arm around Margot's shoulder as she ate some potato. "He's really into you, huh?"

   "Why does everyone keep saying that?" Margot asked, genuinely curious. Marco said it too. "And I think he was just being nice. I got bored in there on my own all day. Besides, you guys visited too."

   "Yeah, but not every day," Connie argued.

   "I thought you were with Bertholdt?" Mikasa asked bluntly. Her voice didn't suggest much, but as Margot met her eyes, she saw how piercing her gaze was. Margot looked down at her food and stabbed a bit of potato, trying to distract herself from her sudden discomfort.

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