vii. alliances

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UPON WAKING UP, Margot felt soft little hands against her face, as well as some soft babbling with only a few actual words coming through

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UPON WAKING UP, Margot felt soft little hands against her face, as well as some soft babbling with only a few actual words coming through. She didn't have to open her eyes to know that it was Carla trying to wake her up. Kenny seemed to still be sleeping, as usual.

   "Mama," Carla said as she squeezed Margot's face gently, resulting in a light chuckle from the soldier as she sat up, carrying the one-year-old onto her lap. "Ken." Carla didn't appear to be able to say Kenny's full name, and so just settled for saying half, pointing over at the sleeping boy.

   "Let's go wake him up," Margot suggested through a yawn, shuffling over to Kenny and waking him up as gently as she could. His arms and legs stretched as he wigged around a little, before he laid down on his back, reaching his arms out to Margot. So, she shifted Carla into her right arm and picked up Kenny with her left, letting them both sit with her while they waited for everyone else to wake up.

I wonder how Eren would be with them, Margot wondered. She wasn't quite sure why her mind went there, but it did. If things had been different, he would've been able to meet them already. His family. But she wasn't going to fret over things that could've been and would only focus on things that will be. She had to ensure the twins safety as well as the safety of her friends and family. Really aside from the twins, Levi is the only family I have left. And Jean. He really is family.

Settling the twins down, Margot stood up, letting out a heavy sigh as she stretched her limbs that were aching a little from sleeping so uncomfortably. Not that she got much sleep in the first place.

   "Are you alright, Margot?" Jean asked, stepping up beside her with the twins in his arms as she packed up the little things she had and placed them in the wagons.

   "I've been better." Margot shrugged, turning to the boy and looking up at him, seeing the slightly worried expression on his face. "You should stop worrying about me, you know. You'll stress yourself out too much."

   "I couldn't stop worrying if I tried," Jean grumbled, rolling his eyes. "I also gotta worry about these twins, now that I'm their uncle."

   "You and Connie seem to be taking that role very seriously," Margot chuckled, climbing into the wagon after everyone started to go in once it was ready, holding her arms out to Jean. But, he refused, keeping the twins to himself as he sat down beside her. "Bro?"

   "It's alright, I'll hold them," Jean insisted, but it seemed to be more for his benefit than her own. Margot let him be, since he seemed to be content holding them.

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