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She wore her usual jeans and sweatshirt with delicate sandals that Ariana gave her from one of her business trip in India.

Second checking she could see that all she wore was what she bought her, the realisation warm her heart small tingles going around, the summersaults in her belly felt like a teenager in front of her crush. In her case it wasn't it, it was way past the butterflies, its way too strong.

It became as important as breathing, at night she slept holding Anna picture on her heart like her life depends on it, once in Bruxelles she had a panicked attacks in her bedroom because she didn't have that picture with her only to remember to use her phone.

Now that she could see her in person the feeling just get her in a joyful state similar of the one when you take drugs.
While hugging the kids for the tenths time, Ameril noticed that the number of car wasn't the same as every time Corbin will bring the kids, looking at the last car expectantly her heart skipped a beat before starting to go crazy.

"She's here" Was the only thought that crossed her mind at very moment, while a bunches of emotions poured on her.

She wanted to go there but knew she couldn't, moisturizing her lips with the tip of her tongue she turned around to face the kids unaware of the fact that her body in a way allowed her to take two steps toward the last car.

"Don't worry about that car, Corbin said Mama tell him to. Something about security not like we need it here."

"Oh, hmm okay. Who's hungry hmm? I made waffles." She knew it, she had to be there.

"Yeah! Me!" The kids said at the same jumping around her.

" Mama G!!!"

The sight of Ameril mother had the kids hurrying toward her. Arms opened she hugged them as her daughter just did.

"My babies are there. You have a safe trip yes?"

"Yes!" The both answered at the same time smiling broadly.

"Okay then. I can see that you two are super excited, Dear Lord help me."

A fit of laugher followed her statement, but she could see how Ameril shoulders was tensed. Following her stare to the last unusual car she understood what was going on anger boiling in her, no one messed with her children and think they'll go away with it.

"Baby?" Snapping out of her trance Ameril looked at her mother forcing a smile on her face.


"Will you make sure this two wash their hands you never know what they touched, as I know them they will dig in the foods without doing so. And make she the guys put the luggage where they have to."

"Oh, okay" with one last glance at the new car Ameril put her hands on the kid shoulders dragging them with her.

"We're going to clean those then eat."

As soon as they entered the house and the door closed behind them Greta headed toward the car which has its window still rolled. After knocking  on it the driver rolled it only to show a separation between his side a the back seat comforting her in the fact that Mrs Salton Fox herself was there.

Not in the mood to bear the sight of the woman she thanks the  sky for that separation because she couldn't restreint herself to slap her right in the face for what she did to her daughter.

She knew that if she did do it Ameril will be one hundred percent against her and that's not what she wanted. Locking eyes with the driver who was uncomfortable under her gaze she pointed the intercom system.

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