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"Ms Watson if this is not a surprise! You are getting better with time." Checking her out openly Mayer shook the young woman hand the firmness of her handshake being a plus.

"I can say the same for you Mayer." Ameril retaliated a real smile on as she kissed the woman cheeks then followed her to the big couch opposite her desk near the big glass wall that gave a good view of the town.

She had to say the exuberance of the place had nothing to envy to Salton industry. Mayer in that level was the same as Ariana. They like to see things big.

"Things are going smooth I see, not everyone can say they have this kind of view. It is amazing, I like it."

Studying the young woman features as she spoke her face turned toward the view Mayer smiled a bit but her predator inside was quickly calmed by the reflect a sunrays made on the woman ring finger.

"Woah! That one must be a lucky one! Wine?" First lost by the older woman words, Ameril caught up when her head move toward her finger.

"Ohh that! Yes... Certainly... And No I don't drink."

"Coffee?" Taking a sip of her wine Mayer sat to the other side of the couch far enough to make it comfortable for the young woman.

"Thank you, I already have a huge amount to keep me awake and before you ask water is off too, if we have to speak business I don't want to use your toilets in the middle of something important. Thanks you though."

Laughing a little at the young woman honesty and her simplicity for someone with billion dollars around her finger the older woman laid her own glass on the table, crossed her hands in a business like attitude waiting for the young woman to take her mark.

"Why are we here then, my secretary said it was Mrs Salton, but she sends you Ameril, Why? I hope it's fine if I call you that?"

Ameril poker face gave nothing away she just had to wait.
She could see that she lost weight but still managed to look beautiful in everything she wore.

"You can. Do you know anything about the representative board?"

Taken aback by the sudden questions, the lack of response to her first one and Ameril's serious face. Mayer sat straight crossing her legs she took her class of wine between her fingers arching her eyebrows.

"Why?" Studying her to no avail, her blank face blocking everything Mayer took a sip of her beverage savouring the burning sensation in her throat.

"You where a member long before they decided they wanted Ariana. You know their functioning."

The use of the name click something in the business woman head, tilting her head she took in the young woman in front of her, studying her attentively staring at her outwardly as she would have to her business partner which she was base of the attitude she had, in fact she realized that she was always like that, full of assurance, the others employees would bowed in Salton presence never her.

She always acts like she owns the place, like she knew that everything was hers. Taking the last sip of her wine, Mayer stood up her eyes still on Ameril Watson reflection on the glass that covered the part of the office that gave in the view. The way she didn't gave a care that she was studied confirmed the business woman suspicion.

In fact she was patiently waiting that the woman examination stopped for their conversation to continue she wasn't even intimidated by Mayer, her wealth didn't impressed her.

Sitting back in front of her after pouring herself another glass of wine, theirs eyes met in a staring contest that none of them won, it went forever, in a mutual understanding that only them knew they broke it of at the same time looking out in a synchronize movement.

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