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The hospital room seemed cold for Ariana, who, looking out of the window could see everything in a blurr, the conversation the Watson's had near the car with her grandchildren had touched her more than anything in the world it was like a knife destroying her heart for good again and again.

Since what happened six months ago she felt numb but this particular day was the epitome of it all, looking around the room checking everything she was surrounded by it down on her that even that didn't appeal to her anymore.

She had lost the only thing that makes her heart bit again thoughtful she shook her head bewildered, being billionaires what a joke, a cold house nothing to give her a sense of life anymore, while thinking about that a thought crossed her mind that makes her whined involuntary, earning her a piercing look from her daughter Maurean across the room unaware that this one was pondering about what just happened.

The sight before the younger woman broke her heart. She never saw her mother this weak in her entire life it was a sight that her and her brothers created stupidly not knowing that everyone don't weep asses.

About to turn her gaze away since sun rays was on her face, she saw something shining on her mother left cheek before rolling down on the right, the woman shoulders slouched forward as she shook uncontrollably, totally zone out.

Her surrounding that she always kept on check of unnecessary witnesses fade as the hurt she felt was so overwhelming that a throaty cry of sorrow made its way out of her startling her daughter, who in a robotic move lock the door before running to her mother engulfing her from behind since she sat on the chair near the window.

Shuting the curtains she put her head on he mother head one hand on her shoulder she pushed her to rest her weight on her, it was an uncomfortable position but it will do did she thought silents tears rolling on her face.

Each cry that came out of her mother reminded her how uncalled for was the position they put her in by making her choose between them and the one that made her the stronger enjoyable woman and mother they had come to love recently. 

To be honest ever since they were able to go to the university Maurean did all she could to stay away from home, when she started working she even cut the bridge sending cards for awhile then stopped, but since she was forced to be near her family again she loved every minute of it. What have we done?

Shaking her head her eyes thigtly closed, she tightened her grip on her mother who now seemed limp on her chest.

The memory of all the times they had together flowing in her mind, the smile she had once was the same she saw on Avery this morning as soon as she saw Anna or Ameril does that even count? only Avery, Gavin and their grandmother was allowed to call her Anna for the rest it was Ameril.

The point was six months after all the disaster that happened her mother became bitter than ever, she rarely speaks at least only to Avery and Gavin, certainly an idea of that Ameril.

Maurean learned a lot about her through the rollercoaster that has been they live since things was broken with their mother. Even then she respected her words sticking with the kids.

In those passed six months she saw her mother losing weight. people thought that she was doing some sort of regime but it was far from that.

Sniffing like a baby, shame clothing her ego for crying in front of her daughter, Ariana tried to pull away from her but she wasn't accepting that, she then turned her head to the window again only to see that the curtains were pulled.

"I wanted to give us some privacy. You know how paparazzi can be nosy sometimes."

"Sure after all it is your job."

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