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"do you think Mama's coming with us Anna?"

"Eat your breakfast love, I will go check on her we will get there at the right time. We can let her sleep for thirty minutes again it's only six thirty in the morning."

"True she doesn't sleep a lot."

Shrugging Gavin took a bit of his waffles with a lot of sirup on it as the two others, if Ariana see that she would not at all be okay, but sugar helps to do endorphins that stimulate happiness, so if it get them less stressed why not. Eating diligently they sat there the only noise coming from usuals move.

"I'll go check on her, you can sit in the living room put some cartoons."

"Really?" Eagerly they didn't even wait the answer that they ran through the hall.

Shaking her head she started gattering the plates when one of the maid entered hurrying to take it away from her.

"Ma'am let that okay, it is our work to do. Please?"

"Okay then, but you know it is not a bother." Bowing the maid insisted firmly knowing well that Mrs Salton will have someone head if she knew that she did that.

Walking out of the room Ameril directed her feet to her room upstairs finding Ariana as she said she could called her at home curled on her pillow as beautiful as ever, she felt so fragile. Sitting next her she thought about a way to wake her up. Going by instinct she shook her holding her upper arm.

"Ariana? Ariana?"

She didn't move at first then turned around still sleeping placing her head on Ameril thighs, without thinking the younger woman put her fingers in Ariana hairs massaging her skull earning sounds of contentment.

"Wake up, we have to get the kids to school remember."

"Why? Tomorrow?" Laughing at her Ameril continued her movement on her head.

"Don't stop."

" Five minutes, but then you will have less to prepare yourself."


Laying there Ariana allowed herself to rest just not think at what will come next. In reverse she thought about her relationship with Ameril, they just settled in this routine of being relaxed around each other.

Was there something else she really couldn't answer that the way it was already set her heart Happy, in a matter of time she accomplished great changes for her and her kids. She wasn't afraid of her at all or they would have not been in the situation they where.

"Time up boss! You have exactly twenty minutes to be ravishing."

"Don't call me that!"

"What it is true."

"Not at home. Better yet when we are together I am not. Ariana will be good."

"You have a point but that does not change the fact that you have eighteen minutes left."

Groanind she first pushed her legs out of the bed then lifted herself up. She felt rejuvenate, it's been long since she slept that long nine hours straight was a record she couldn't remember when was the last time it happened. Fumbling with her hairs she started walking.

"Come with me."

She said from her bedroom doorway not looking back since Ameril room was right in front of hers Ameril in three days never saw the inside of that room.

Doing as instructed she followed her, she was nowhere to be found in the big master bedroom the space was a little bigger than hers, in awe Ameril looked around the blue spread all over mixed with white reminded her again of her own it was clear that the comfy feeling that reflects the place was just homie.

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