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Exhausted Ameril relaxed her head on Ariana shoulder one hand on her stomach kissing her temple her wife hand caressed her hand.

"We will be there soon."

Nodding Ameril tightened her grip, Ariana pushed her further in her embrace holding her again her generous chest where the young woman lost no time to hide her face between her breast taking a huge breath she was so tense for preparing all the meeting with the others to not stress her that she totally forgot herself, now that it was history she could breath knowing there were no risk for anything to stress her partner.

Massaging her head through her hairs Ariana breathed just happy to have it done already, she could have the young woman less on edge to keep her safe that sometimes she forgot to do that for herself. Which she was here for. Their relationship was really a partnership in so many ways she couldn't want any better.

At home she was there present for all her children and always taking care of her wife needs whatever the time of the day that sometimes Maurean asked her one day where she took all her energy.

What she didn't knew was there were moment like this one Ariana had to put her first.

As soon as they arrived home Ameril climbed off, after helping Ariana out of the car, her mind set on directly going in their bedroom but Andrew their eleven years old boy appeared from nowhere throwing his hands around his mother waist.

"Mommy!" Pushing her own needs aside she leaned forward giving her boy a kiss on the forehead.

"My baby boy! How's Mama big boy?" The small boy smile brightly hearing those words that always makes his day.

Taking him in her arms she turned swirled with him making him laughed loudly carefree then walked with him his leg around her waist like she did when he was younger, it was a chance he was that of a big boy. He didn't really makes his age.

She finally placed him on the higher stool in their big kitchen where the others children was waiting on them.

"Mommy you know you have to chose right? How come he's you baby boy and your big boy at the same time? Does it even make sense?" Smiling at his mother fifteen going on sixteen years old Gavin said at his mother questioning face a yogurt in a hand the other holding a spoon that he put in his mouth.

No minding him Ameril shook her head smiling then looked back to see behind her if Ariana was around then stick her tongue out at Gavin making them laughed at her silliness.

The soon to be seventeen Avery, shook her head at their mother behavior. Earning a ruffle of her hairs messing her stylish haircut.

"Mommy!!!" Kissing her again and again untill she started laughing too Ameril hugged her from behind.

"I lovvvvve myyyy princessss." Shooting loudly Avery in her arms Ameril finally planted a kiss on her daughter forehead.

"Jeeezz mommy you can be silly sometimes but.... I love you too."

Laughing at her mommy silliness Avery held her arms around her mother tightly. It was because of her that she was a high school senior student in the same class as her brother which didn't bothered her.

Students was respectful of her, she had friends and was sure too have her exam at the end of the years. Her mommy love was the only thing that kept her going and her family, she discovered that with patience she wasn't slow her mother always said a princess always take her time that was how she got where she was.

Leaned on the doorway Ariana could only smiled at the view, she had a big happy family only because of her goofy and marvelous wife. Her life she knew was a fairytale there were time they will have arguments but they never slept angry or never leave house through one.

"Okay you guys had enough of mommy, I can have her now." Looking up at their Mama they all did gagging faces at her she just laughed at them shaking her hands.

"Mama!! Bughrr!" Rolling his eyes Andrew shook his head at his Mama words he knew what she was implying that means he had to find his own bedroom.

"You know one day you will be married, then you'll learn."

Kissing Avery forehead one last time, Ameril did the same for her two others kids while they all shook theirs head to not registered what she was saying.

Though Ariana knew it was all for the sake of it she knew they were all comfortable with sexuality thanks to Ameril who forced her to have that conversation with them regularly.

"How about you rest tonight, all of you. I know you are already big but...I promised you to treat you all when you will pass, your grades are all excellent. Soo sleep and welcome in wonderlandddd babies."

Looking at each other they nodded standing up they all made they way to Ariana who gave them goodnight kisses then disappeared without words. They knew to not make her change her mind plus wonderland with their moms mean a lot of fun.

"You know how to deal with them baby, how about I take care of you now hmm?" Walking toward her Ariana looked her up and down suggestively eyes darkening.

"I will actually love that I'm spend, God I need a refill." Hiding her face in Ariana chest her hands around her waist Ameril inhaled a huge amount of her scent releasing a quiet moan when it hit her nostrils.

"Ma'am, ohh! Sorry."

Trying to walked out the Chef stopped in his track at Mrs Salton the older hand up which had him speaking directly.

"I want to know if you have a preference for today before I start cooking."

Thinking about it Ariana held Ameril closer kissing her temple.

"Definitely veggies, pastas and all the things she usually ask to go with it for the night please ice cream and snacks too that will be for when they will wake up they will need it to go out with their mother."

Bowing at his boss he exited the room, waiting out for them to free the kitchen space.

"You are coming with me love?" Nodding her head still in her chest Ameril inhaled her scent one last time before letting go.

One hour later after she gave her a hot bath and a massage Ameril laid cuddle in Ariana arms her face in her chest. She like that position.

She felt relaxed all she needed sometimes was Ariana taking care of her like that, to have her fingers running through her locks was blissful, moaning contented she pressed her face further in her chest.

"Love you." Smiling at her druggie voice Ariana made circles on her back well aware of what she was doing but letting it slide, she knew when Ameril was caught up in her lazy state all she does was everything but sexual.

"I love you more my Queen. Thanks you for this Happy family you gave me. You know that now I pray. I promise whomever that send you to me, God or whatever his relationship name is to make you and our children as happy as I can as long as he will give me the opportunity. It's already five years and not one day I felt alone. You're my happy end in this world and I hope in all the others."

Looking up at her, her body weight on her elbows Ameril studied her wife face caressing its lines with the back of her fingers.

"Stopped talking as if you you're that old. You are not that old, you know how old is the Democrat house representative in the Congres, the woman is in her early seventy and she is still stunning, but you're far from her. You'll see our children growing up and be happy as far as I am concerned."

Kissing her on the forehead then on her nose and finally on her mouth in a hot kiss that left them both breathing heavily, Ameril resumed her previous position listening to Ariana crazy heartbeat until she calmed down.

Closing her eyes she thanks the infinite Love of the universe for all the happiness she had on this Earth it all started difficultly she could have give up so many times forgetting that after the rain there is rainbow. This was hers, closing her eyes she drifted in a peaceful slumber.



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